Monday, May 30, 2016

MOCHA - Hooked on Colfax

Coffee Shop:
Hooked on Colfax
3213 E Colfax ave
Denver, CO 80206

Date Visited:
Saturday, May 28, 2016
About 3:45 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

12 oz Almond Milk Mocha: $4.70
(.40 cent charge for almond milk)

I noticed that they had a housemade chocolate syrup for lattes.  I asked.  IT IS VEGAN.  Plus, housemade syrup is super cool.

I LOVE MOCHAS!  I was so excited!

Maybe I could get them more often, but I've mostly stopped asking.  Sometimes syrup has milk in it, or places don't think their syrups are vegan offhand.  Or they are just flavored, weird, not-food syrups.  This was a cool housemade, vegan chocolate syrup.  I GOT A MOCHA.


I loved it because I was watching the barista craft my amazing mocha, mixing the gorgeous espresso and glorious chocolate syrup and almond milk...and then she finished and I noticed the latte art was not entirely beautiful to go along with this amazing drink experience...and she was like, " flower is a little off."  I said I was judging, but it was okay.  I love that she apologized for the subpar latte art. mocha was not as picturesque as it was delicious, but it was delicious!

I think that when I asked about what size small and medium were and ordered there was a mild miscommunication that I didn't really pay attention to.  Both small and medium have two shots of espresso.  Since I am all about the strong espresso/milk ratio these days I would have ordered the small, but I guess I ordered the medium.  In this case I was also okay with there being more chocolatey mocha goodness, so this was cool too.

It was really tasty.  I liked the chocolate syrup taste quite a bit.  The espresso was a but more hidden as I mentioned so I didn't form a strong opinion, but it was a good backdrop.

Another note - my receipt said soy/rice/almond for the alternative milk charge - their menu didn't say they had rice milk, but I would have gotten it.

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