Tuesday, May 3, 2016

15 - City, O' City

Two places in one day.  WHAT?  Yes.  It was that kind of a day!

Super cool place.  No way around it.

"Coffee Shop":
City, O' City
206 E 13th ave
Denver, CO 80203

Date Visited:
Monday, May 2, 2016
About 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Rosebud Kombucha: $5.00
Soft Pretzel: $5.00
--with vegan cheese sauce: $2.00
Posole Soup Cup: $2.00
Coconut Lime Bar: $6.50
Tip: $4.00

(Tip included since this is a sit-down restaurant and tips are basically mandatory.)

So City, O' City (A Lament) is actually a super cool restaurant.  However, part of its super coolness is that, in addition to being a super cool restaurant, it is a super cool place to hang out and work and such and they have wifi...much like a cafe.  So although it is not a typical "coffee shop" it fits my general criteria.  There is certainly a cafe/bar area.

I have only previously experienced City, O' City as a super cool typical restaurant.  Today I went for the cafe experience.  I think it is great on both fronts.  I also think it is great that it doubles so seamlessly.  When I went before it was all just typical restaurant things and I had no idea that they had wifi.  I found this fact out and realized I could go hang out and work there by myself and it wouldn't be awkward and I was super excited.

I arrived and said I was just hanging out by myself and working so I could sit wherever.  There was plenty of seating available (which was not the case the other time I went, which was on a Saturday afternoon - that was a full restaurant experience, including having to wait a few minutes for a table), so they said I could sit wherever.  They asked if I needed an outlet - because they have seating by outlets.  They also said there was a lounge area with a couch and comfy chairs.  I HAD NO IDEA.  Even though it was totally visible from near the entrance.  There is just this cafe hidden right in front of your eyes within this restaurant!

I did not actually get any coffee (remember, this is my second place of the day so I had had coffee already).  City, O' City has kombucha on tap with rotating flavors.  Today it was rosebud.  I jumped on that.

Beautiful and Delicious Rosebud Kombucha

It was DELICIOUS.  It was superfluously refreshing.  With a delightful hint of rose.  And it was delicious.

It is a bit small for $5, but it is some of the best kombucha I have ever had, and I am proficient with kombucha.  More than coffee.  I should be writing about kombucha instead.  But there would be less chronicling of my learning.

Digression.  4-5 years ago when I became a bit proficient with coffee and discovered cold brew coffee at Commonplace in Pittsburgh (shout out again...this will happen) I used to wish very hard that when I went to a coffee shop I could order kombucha.  You can do this all over the place here, now!  Not the majority, but a reasonable minority of coffee shops have kombucha!  My wish came true!  And now I keep ordering coffee.  Ah, well.

Since I was there to hang out for a while I went with multiple snacks instead of a large meal (which ended up kind of messing with me because I realized all throughout this day I never really sat down and ate a full meal...so I was eating, but I never got completely full...so even though I wasn't hungry I felt hungry because of the confusion).  Usually it's too much for me to order appetizers and things and dessert, so this visit was a good opportunity to explore side dishes.

I started with a soft pretzel, then decided on a cup of soup.

This is the pretzel.
This is the soup

It was probably a bit too small since I never really ordered something substantial, but I wasn't that sad.  I liked trying it, but the soup wasn't my favorite.  I thought the pretzel was wonderful.  It was so warm and chewy and salty and there was gooey sauce.  Okay...the sauce was actually kind of watery, but it served the mood of gooeyness well enough that I won't complain.  But I would have liked it to be more gooey and less watery.  But they house-make it!  (See how much I don't complain about being charged $2 for something made in-house?  This is a great service they are providing that I will gladly pay for the opportunity of being served!)  It was coconut-based.  They also house-make another kind of cheese-stuff that goes on the pizzas.  (They also have Daiya.  I don't care. :p)

And I also got a dessert coconut lime bar.  It was tangy and good.  It seemed kind of small for $6, but it was also something that required smaller bites.  I actually took half of it home and added it to my breakfast the next morning.

Coconut Lime Bar.

I didn't even realize it until toward the end of my visit, but I was there during happy hour, (2:00-6:00) and the pretzel and soup were happy hour food items, so they were a bit discounted, which was cool.  There was also a sign that said there was a happy hour discount on "every drink behind the bar" (or something like that).  ...But this did not include my kombucha.  So...that's just not quite right.  I didn't try any other drinks this time, but the kombucha was perfect.

This restaurant-with-secret-cafe is a fun place to hang out.  They will bring you all the food and drinks you want!  And the variety of seating options is great.  I started on the comfy chair and couch, but later moved up to the bar, partly because the sun was shining on my face and partly because it was easier to eat with a normal eating table.  I was pretty comfortable in both locations.  There were a good number of other people who looked like they were also hanging out working.  It's a really cool mix of regular restaurant tables for groups and bar space and little tables where people like me this time can chill out with computers or whatever.  The restaurant is a pretty distinctive/quirky place.  It definitely has more of a bohemian vibe than a fancy restaurant vibe.  I like that anyway, but I also think it makes it a nicer place to chill, like I was.  It's just super cool.  One of my favorite places.

No wifi issues.

They don't have parking... This is a bit of an issue because there is only metered and 2 hour parking nearby.  However, I parked in the free 2 hour parking and ran out and moved my car in the middle and it worked out fine.  It would be easy enough to go pay the meter again too, if necessary.  Also, the metered and 2hr limit both only last until 6 p.m.

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