Wednesday, May 18, 2016

20 - Tattered Cover, Denver

Tattered Cover is not primarily a coffee shop.  It is a bookstore!  But you can get coffee there - at the Tattered Cover Coffee Bar, as I saw on my receipt, which made me happy.  And I did.  While I hung out for 6 hours.

"Coffee Shop":
Tattered Cover Book Store (Tattered Cover Coffee Bar)
2526 East Colfax Avenue
Denver, CO 80206

Date Visited:
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
About 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Small Almond Milk Latte: $3.35

This is not a place one would go specifically for coffee, so I am really not very picky.  Although, I think very good coffee in a bookstore is a strong asset and would add a lot because it's SO great to drink really good coffee in a cozy place like this.  I just also accept it as fine if it is not.

My almond milk latte was adequate.  It was very not-sweet, but in a way that worked, and it was pretty creamy.  Not the best, not the worst.

The coffee bar has a few literary themed drinks, which is a nice touch, but this was just a basic latte.

The store wasn't as cozy as I would have liked.  It was kind of cold, especially near the door, which is where the coffee bar is.  And seating isn't the greatest.  The location is also near a high school, so there were a lot of students coming in and out, especially around the time school ended (I assume).  I kind of love that it is such a hangout for students, but some of them were a bit disruptive, in multiple areas of the store.  From working really loudly to being loud on phones and stuff.  So mixed feelings about that (and of course there were students who were fine, and probably non-students who are disruptive sometimes, but this was just a large crowd because of the proximity, I believe).

Other than that...I mean, I hung out for 6 hours.  It clearly is a nice place to hang out.  It is quite a large store, with multiple levels and shelves set up to make different sections with different genres.  There are at least a couple seats arranged in each section and I had fun sitting all over the store reading.  And I made sure it was okay to take the coffee around the store everywhere, and it was fine. So that was what I did.  I sipped my latte sitting in different quaint chairs by quaint end tables reading stuff.

Since it wasn't as cozy and comfortable as I would have liked I wouldn't do it a lot, but it was very fun for a day.  I also don't think it would be the best place to get productive work done since the atmosphere was kind of hectic at times with the noise and stuff (which was the disappointing part because sitting around books can be so inspirational and settling).

Also the wi-fi wasn't very good.  Maybe it is if you're sitting right inside the coffee bar, but I don't know.  I wasn't connected most of the time.  When I was things had trouble loading.

They have a 30 minute parking lot in the back of the store.  There is also unlimited street parking on the side street and a free garage (just no overnight) next door.

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