Sunday, June 12, 2016

Black, Black Coffee at Black Black Coffee

Coffee Shop:
Black Black Coffee
3459 Ringsby Ct
Denver, CO 80216

Date Visited:
Friday, June 10, 2016
About 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Pourover: $3.75
Quinoa: $3.00

I had to make sure that I actually tried a regular, black coffee at Black Black Coffee.  So today I did!

Black Coffee!

I do have to say that it was an above average coffee.  Even though I think I have discovered that I just don't have strong opinions on regular, hot coffee, I could see myself enjoyably curled up with a cup of this coffee.  I would believe that this is how coffee is supposed to be.

Unfortunately I planned this badly and it was a really, really hot day.  So of course I picked that day to get hot coffee.  I also drank a lot of ice water.  I feel like that messed with the overall experience just a little bit.

I thought about getting an Aeropress coffee because I have never tried that brew method.  The coffee is inside a little container with the water and another piece is pushed in and adds some pressure, then the brewed coffee filters out the bottom.  The barista said it ended up a bit milder than other methods.  But I decided to go with a pourover because that is their go-to method and it's what I would be able to compare best.

It was good coffee (see, I just can't have strong feelings).  There was a little too much sourness for me to perfectly enjoy (but I think this is normal coffee that people like), but otherwise it had a really smooth taste.  I wasn't turned off by any bitterness at all.  There were layers of flavor - it was a good adventure.  Most of the sourness came in as an aftertaste.  I almost want to say it was a bit fruity, but I'm not sure if that's accurate.  It was more like drinking it leaned toward the direction of how it is to drink juice or tea or a smoothie or something.  Like, in addition to being coffee, it was also just a drink.  Maybe it's a testament to how much bad coffee there is that it can be a different category than "drink."  But this one was a drink.

Overall it was one of the best coffees I have had.  And I am not content to know that plain coffee just isn't something I have strong feelings about.  However, it was a fun experience to have really good plain coffee.

I also got a side of quinoa as a snack.  It was good - slightly better than I was expecting because the small veggies inside were crisper or fresher than I figured they would be.  (Hooray for low expectations!)  Anyway, it was a good, convenient snack.

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