Saturday, June 4, 2016

A Kaladi's Update... [*with dark music playing*]

I made these edits in the Kaladi's post, but I thought they deserved their own post.

It's basically: "Why Kaladi's actually sucked when I went."

I inquired about, then ordered the Venetian Cream.

Their board say this: Venetian Cream: "Always iced, always non-dairy, always a secret recipe."

It's not actually dairy free (and it's not actually a secret recipe).  I asked to make sure it had no milk/egg/etc products in it and the barista said it didn't, definitely.  And she was lying because she didn't actually know.  Really unprofessional.  Especially for a question about dairy in a drink advertised as non-dairy.  So basically, they actually suck.

I just inquired about the Venetian Cream at Nixon's and found out that it has a milk derivative in it.  I specifically asked at Kaladi's if it was definitely vegan in addition to being dairy-free, like not just dairy-free, but no milk products/egg, etc....and they said yes.  I get when people think dairy-free means vegan, but I specified...
I checked with Kaladi on the phone and they said, "Oh, it's not even dairy-free, either."
So basically...really crappy barista I had.
And like...are they calling this a secret recipe and using a bag mix?
I think they kinda suck now.
Like...the menu says it is non-dairy.  This is a reasonable question to expect a correct answer on.  And she didn't even say she didn't know.  She said it like they had intentionally made a non-dairy drink.

I don't often go for the really sweet/flavored/lots of weird ingredients drinks anyway, so while it was fun I wouldn't have been disappointed to not get it.  Obviously I won't again.  Kaladi's still seems really cool for coffee, but this drink aspect sucked.  And if they are being misleading on their menu and through their baristas...maybe they are not actually that awesome.

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