Thursday, June 30, 2016

31 - Keith's Coffee Bar, Denver (University)

Coffee Shop:
Keith's Coffee Bar
2450 S. Downing St
Denver, CO 80210

Date Visited:
Thursday, June 30, 2016
About 2:45 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

small (12 oz) soy latte: $3.85
.70 cent charge for soy milk

I haven't had a soy latte in a few months, which is part of the reason I tried one again today.  It tasted a bit weird at first, but after I got used to the taste it was pretty decent.  I have also grown to prefer less milk with espresso, but 12 oz was the smallest size they had.

They make cappuccinos the same sizes as lattes, but with more foam, basically (the barista said).  She did say that they have 6oz glasses if I wanted a more traditional cappuccino.  (I liked that she knew what she was talking about.)  I was leaning toward this, but then I asked about how their almond milk foams and stuff and got the impression that it is "the best they can do" but it's subpar.  This made me lean back toward just getting a latte, but then the barista also mentioned that she doesn't personally like steamed almond milk because of the background roasted nut flavor - which I am guessing is the gross flavor that I don't like either.  Of course she said some people like it, but I was pretty sure I was not going to be one of those people.  I still don't know how to distinguish between when I like almond milk lattes and when I don't.  In some shops they have been soooo good.  But I am glad that the barista here mentioned the taste because I guess that I would have been disappointed.

At this indecisive juncture I asked if they cold brew their iced coffee, thinking I had made the decision to get that.  But then she said they actually hot brew it.  This is normally disgusting.  It's just coffee with ice in it.  But she said they use a particularly smooth blend and let me try it.  It was not entirely disgusting, but it wasn't very good.  So I didn't order that.

And I know at this point I sound like a totally obnoxious customer, but there was no one in line.  And I would have been content to look a the menu and think for a minute (because I had no idea what I wanted when I came in), but the barista was trying to be attentive and then there was a conversation about me not having decided yet.

So I thought for a few more seconds and decided to get espresso since that did sound good, and to get soy milk since I hadn't tried that in a while anyway.  (I prefer almond milk and it is healthier, and I just generally avoid soy, mostly processed, although I happened to notice that the carton they had said organic, which means it is from a minority of crops that are likely more okay to eat than average, and I think that's cool.  I think they should make a note of it on the menu, because if they're using higher quality ingredients then they should let people know.  But maybe they vary it.)  I think that soy more universally handles the steaming better as well.  I haven't had a soy drink with a weird taste.

I should point out that I think they would have made me whatever drink I wanted, however I wanted. But since I was trying this place out...the point is to try out the place, so I didn't want to go off menu. So I am completely aware that I could have ordered a drink that I would have liked a bit more, and that this is a self-imposed restriction.'s significant how they present their products on menu.  So this is why I got a 12 oz soy latte (as opposed to having them make a "short" 8 oz latte or something, without filling the mug).  Also...if it's going to be the same price I am annoyed with telling them to put less in it and getting charged the same.  So this way I got something on their menu and wasn't annoyed.

Okay.  So then I had my drink!

It's funny because there is a picture of latte art. But no actual latte art.
I do love that they have customized mugs.

Since I hadn't had soy in a while, there was a different flavor factor involved.  It was fun to try again. I don't like it as much as the best almond flavor, but it was decent.  The drink seemed a little weak to me, mostly from the more diluted espresso, which makes total sense.  The milk flavor was emphasized more that way.  It tasted a little weaker than other 12oz lattes I have had as well, though.  I think overall it would have melded better with stronger espresso.  I don't have strong feelings about the soy taste, it's just kind of there because that's what it is.  I guess that is part of why I don't seek it out.

Overall it was a decent drink.  It wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't bad.  Even considering that it's not my favorite kind of drink, I don't think it was particularly well-crafted.  But again, it also wasn't bad.  As you can see above, the latte art was a blob.  Although I didn't have any big complaints, I just...didn't like it very much.  I would not pay for the experience again.

The barista did ask me if it was for here or to go and gave me a mug.

The coffee shop is a pretty nice place to hang out.  It's quite large, with a lot of nice, two-person tables and like eight big comfy chairs with useful end tables (this is always a significant factor), and a couple other seating styles.  It has lots of nice windows and a spacious/comfy style.  All of the furniture matches and stuff.  The art was nice.  The music was a good background.  There is an outdoor seating area, but it is next to a pretty trafficked road, so it didn't appeal to me.

Overall, it was nice to try, but I wasn't particularly attached to anything.  Decent drink.  Decent space.  Better than some, but nothing stood out to me.  The baristas were friendly.  This is definitely a good place to go in order to not be overwhelmed by craft coffee atmosphere if that sort of thing concerns you, but not because they don't know what they're doing or it's bad or something.  It's a chill place that has coffee and drinks and nice places to sit!  Personally, I wouldn't seek it out.

No wi-fi isses.

There is a small parking lot behind the coffee shop.  There are only a few spaces there.  There is free street parking around to.  Parking was not an issue while I was there, but it is summer and Keith's isn't very far from University of Denver, so the traffic (for the coffee shop and in general) might fluctuate upward a lot during terms.

Friday, June 24, 2016

30 - Fluid Coffee, Denver (Uptown)

Eclectic, nice, and chill.

Coffee Shop:
Fluid Coffee Bar
501 E 19th ave
Denver, CO 80203

Date Visited:
Friday, June 24, 2016
About 5:30 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.

8 oz Almond Milk Cappuccino: $3.50
.50 cent charge for almond milk

The cappuccinos on their menu are the same sizes as their lattes.  I asked and they are more foamy (as expected).  However, the smallest size on the menu was 12 oz and he said they also have an 8 oz.  Even though in this case I usually go for a latte, this time I got the cappuccino and went with the 8 oz.  (A .50 cent charge is really annoying when you get the smallest amount possible of the liquid in question.)  I am glad because the foam layer was my favorite part.  It was soft and snowy.

See?  It's soft and snowy.

Okay, that's mainly a cosmetic description, but it probably aided the taste as well.  It still think it tasted soft and snowy.  So my initial impression was good, but then when I started drinking mainly liquid under the foam I didn't think it was very good.  It was bland and a little sour in a weird way.  The foam was heartier and sweeter.  I quite liked it.  I tried to be better about mixing foam with liquid while I drank, which made the experience more enjoyable.  But the initial potential was not lived up to.

The atmosphere was pretty cool.  And literally (that was not intentional) - they had nicely functional air conditioning and it was also not on too high (which happens way too often...I don't get it).  It was hot outside, but I was comfortable inside without having to put my sweatshirt on (which I was only carrying around for that annoying eventuality).  There were three seating areas, which is perhaps intentional, as their door said, "meet | work | relax" and I could see how each space may theme into one of those categories.

I didn't like the area just inside the door as much.  It's really basic, just some small two-person tables organized around the floor and few seats by along table in front of a window.  I mean, totally functional.  I'm not going to knock it a lot.  It just seemed to me like seating in one of those places where people normally get stuff to go, but they have a couple of token tables just in case that no one ever really uses.  And if you sit there it's weird and not comfortable.  Maybe this is because the area is by the door and in between the barista area and the napkin/sugar/trash/etc it maybe it just seemed in the middle of things.  It was a reasonably sized area though, as big as some (small) shops entire seating selection.  I am pretty sure it would have had a different mood to it if the shop had been busier.  There were only a few people there while I was, and the front area was completely empty.  With a bunch of people sitting and talking I'm sure it's nicer.

I sat in the middle area, which was super-super cool.  I don't know if they actually use it, but I sat next to a fireplace (it looked like it might be a functioning electric/gas one) with bookshelves on both sides!  In a comfy chair!  The end table where I set my coffee was the perfect height.  There was a comfy carpet.  There was also a couch and some other little tables in this area.

I was really comfortable and relaxed.  It was a really nice place to hang out.

I really liked the art hanging on the walls as well.  It was being sold, so no idea how consistent it is, but it aided the comfy/relaxed/classy atmosphere.

They also have what looked like a serious work space in the back.  I just looked in briefly while I was choosing my seat, but it contained a number of tables with single office-style chairs.  A good touch for people who want that kind of thing.  I think that this is the "meeting space" mentioned on their site that they rent by the hour.  I don't know if people can work there if it's not being used.

Overall, my drink was decent and I thought it was a really nice place to hang out, and I love the variety of atmospheres.  The music was maybe a bit loud, but not enough to be a major complaint.

They have really good wi-fi.

They don't have a parking lot, but I didn't have trouble with street parking.  I parked about a block away.  It was free and un-timed.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

29 - Europa Coffeehouse, Denver

Lots of potential...but I ended up not loving it.

Coffee Shop:
Europa Coffeehouse (Cafe Europa? listed on google maps) (This is all I saw as far as web sites go.  I think they also have an instagram, maybe some other pages.)
76 S Pennsylvania St
Denver, CO 80209

Date Visited:
Thursday, June 23, 2016
About 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Small (8 oz) Almond Milk Latte: $3.50
No charge for almond milk!

Europa Coffeehouse was almost really nice so I would rave about all the nice things, but it wasn't quite there.  First though - it's nice.  They have outdoor seating with a large overhanging tree, which makes it pretty and shady.  There is also a large amount of seating in the sun.  And there is also ample seating inside!  So there are plenty of options.  Inside there are booths, some little tables, a long table, a bar by the window, and some soft chairs (they didn't look that comfortable to me, but I didn't try).

They also have plants!  Mostly succulents.  There are large windows that take up the front of the store and they have a variety of plants in front of the windows - a few large ones on the floor, some planter boxes in front of the bar-height seating, and some littler pots.  I love this touch.  There was also some interesting art, some unique hanging sculptures, and quirky stuff like exposed brick.

Despite all of this though...I just didn't find it that comfy.  I mean, it was adequately comfortable, but perhaps my expectations were raised by all of the potential added awesomeness.  I guess it was a variety of things - the seating wasn't that comfortable.  The chairs were all awkward aluminum-or-something one that I think I have seen before.  They feel too lightweight and uncomfortable.  There were also some other cheap-chair options.  Kind of an amalgamation.  Some of the tables were an almost-interesting polished wood, but there wasn't a them happening.  The booths looked almost good, but I saw some holes with stuffing coming out and the cushions looked a little old and lumpy (but I did not sit there, so they could be amazingly comfortable for all I know).

And table was sticky. :(  I didn't think it was too bad and it was in a nice location (I don't know, just one of those places that felt comfortable and not too exposed, okay relation to other shop dynamics).  So I sat there.  And then I tried to wipe it with a couple napkins and it didn't help.  And computer and cup and things were sticky when I moved them.  Not to complain and do nothing about it, I moved...and I had to go was my forearms before I felt reasonably not gross, because they had rested on the sticky table while I typed a little before I moved.  And I still felt sticky. :(  And then a bit later I saw someone quickly wipe a table or two...and they didn't do the sticky table.  Maybe it is hidden.  Maybe that's why I sensed I would be safe there.

Anyway, so it was little things like that - nothing individually huge, but there were some crumbs on tables, the sticky table, the old, mismatched stuff, multiple chairs and benches were off balance so they would rock back and forth, and it felt kind of dusty and not clean.  And the cool art was kind of weirdly placed.  Things were haphazard instead of awesome.  The bathrooms, while not "gross" were not really "clean".  My water cup smelled weird...I don't know.  In general it seemed like the place lacked care, but with care it could be cool.

Some of the music was nice and chill, but it seemed a little too loud and changed a little too often.

My latte was really good.  And they didn't charge for almond milk! So that injected a dose of positivity into my impression.  The latte had a distinctive layer of good foam, and a nice, strong espresso taste.  It was creamy and not sweet, in a good way.  In general, this place seems to know what they are doing, but not quite on the amazing craft coffee side of the spectrum.  I thought my latte was among the better that I have had, but not at the level of "amazing and special."

The latte art wasn't amazing.  She did ask if it was for here or to go, and gave me a "for here" mug.

The barista was friendly.  I asked about the cappuccino as well.  Here they come in the same sizes as lattes, but are foamy.  The latte that I had was basically how I like cappuccinos, just a little weaker on the espresso side (since it was 8oz instead of 6oz).  I was a bit indecisive because I was thinking espresso, but then I saw that they have matcha/green tea lattes.  The barista said they were new.  So I almost got one of those!  But went with the latte.

Overall, this place was worth seeing and I'm glad I had a good latte, but I wouldn't rush back.

No wi-fi issues.

There is free parking on the street and there is also a lot across the street from the coffee shop.  They share it with other businesses and I think one side was exclusively for a different place.  But there is a sign that says parking for Cafe Europa.  I was a little nervous parking too far away from the sign because there was another sign for a different business down the line...if there is supposed to be a distinction, it wasn't clearly marked.  But in general parking didn't seem to be too much of an issue.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

28 - Novo Coffee, Denver (Downtown)

I had high expectations.  I found those expectations well-deserved!

Coffee Shop:
Novo Coffee Glenarm
1600 Glenarm Pl
Denver, CO 80202

Date Visited:
Sunday, June 12, 2016
About 9:45 a.m. -  1:30 p.m.

Cappuccino: $4.00
(.50 cent charge for almond milk)

Mmmmm this was a delicious cappuccino.  When I say I want a cappuccino, this is what I want.

I asked how they made it and they said it was in a 6 oz cup (2 shots espresso, like normal) and didn't have a lot of foam.  This sounded good so I tried another cappuccino!  And it was DELICIOUS.

Novo Coffee is a pretty big deal around here.  Pretty big roastery, lots of places use their coffee - I had high expectations.  The high expectations were MET.

The espresso taste was amazing.  The blend of espresso with the milk was amazing.  This was an amazing cappuccino.  Even though I'm not a huge fan of the foam idea in general, this was the sort of foam that I get that one would want a tangible amount of.  Or maybe it was the perfect amount that I didn't get sick of and left me with a nice strong drink.  But I think I would still have a liked more foam (though didn't actively want it, just if it was there that would have been cool too).

It had a weirdly awesome sour taste in it.  I don't think I've noticed this since I got the latte at Corvus.  I don't know that I would like this feature all the time (and it's totally not the same as bad sour, which unfortunately I think I have run across more times for the whole drink), but it's been really good the times it showed up, like this one.

Almond Milk Cappuccino

As is apparent...the latte art was seriously lacking...  So it wasn't beautiful, but it was still delicious.

So yes, their coffee lives up to their reputation.  At least what I thought their reputation was.  It was really good.

The shop was a pretty nice place to hang out.  A decent amount of seating, but still managed a spacious feel.  There was some outdoor seating, which was pretty popular, even though I wouldn't like it since it's next to the street.  It was mostly little table/booths or bar seating.  I really liked their big windows.  I thought it was relaxing, but don't know if that would be the case on a busy weekday or something.  I liked hanging out.

One sad point - they have vegan empanadas and I wanted to try one!  ...But they didn't have any when I was there. :(  They did have a vegan poptart thing, but I just decided not to get food.  Wasn't as in the mood for something sweet.

Parking was ridiculous and difficult.  It's downtown off the 16th street mall.  This is why I went on a Sunday morning.  (Most people would not go only to get coffee.  Indeed, I also walked around the 16th street mall afterward for a bit, but this journey was mainly to finally try Novo Coffee.)  It was a Sunday morning (to reiterate).  Parking was still ridiculous.  I had to drive around for 7 minutes to find a parking space and it was 3 blocks away.  I did time it, and I especially noticed because traffic getting there was so good, but parking was STILL ridiculous.  I mean, I probably could have paid $12 for a garage, but I was not going to do that.  Anyway, they don't have a lot, so it's metered or garages.  I at least eventually find the "metered" spot, but since it was a Sunday it was free and I could stay there as long as I wanted.  So it's understandable why everyone else was doing the same thing. :)

No wi-fi issues.

Monday, June 13, 2016

27 - Weathervane Cafe, Denver

Great place!

Coffee Shop:
Weathervane Cafe
1725 E 17th ave
Denver, CO 80218

Date Visited:
Saturday, June 11, 2016
About 4:45 p.m. -  6:00 p.m.

Medium (12 oz) Cold Brew: $3.00

This place is awesome!  I would have loved to hang out for a long time, but I didn't stop by until later and they close at 6:00.  It's so cute and great.  The building is sort of older, so it has that kind of character - like creaky wood stairs.  But mainly it is so styled with the BEST character.

There are multiple rooms, all pretty small, and an upstairs balcony.  Each room has its own little cool feel and the whole shop feels like a great little nook to curl up in with a book or something. AND COFFEE.  I was actually there on a really hot day and DEFINITELY ordered a cold brew.  While I was there it was nice and cool inside.  Such a great place to escape for a while.  I loved it.

This actually isn't where I was sitting, but here is one of the awesome rooms.  IT'S GREAT.

I didn't take a good look, but it seems like they have a decent selection of food, as well.  And lots of drink options.  I was definitely getting cold brew.  And it was good cold brew!  I don't think it was especially special, but it was fairly dark and strong and it was really great to blend with a bit of cream and sugar.  I got my sweet/bitter/awesome cold brew flavor going on.  It was really good for that.

Especially good on a hot day.

It was pretty quiet while I was there.  And there was just one person working, but she was friendly and it seemed to have a friendly vibe overall.  Just a cool place!

Parking was kind of hard, though not overly difficult.  They do no have a lot.  It seemed to be all 2 hr parking in the vicinity, but it wasn't metered.  I was there for less than 2 hours this time, but it would be annoying in general.  The main annoyance (after not having a lot and having to deal with 2 hr street parking) is that they are on a one-way street, so I ended up accidentally circling the block a second time...

No wi-fi issues.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Black, Black Coffee at Black Black Coffee

Coffee Shop:
Black Black Coffee
3459 Ringsby Ct
Denver, CO 80216

Date Visited:
Friday, June 10, 2016
About 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Pourover: $3.75
Quinoa: $3.00

I had to make sure that I actually tried a regular, black coffee at Black Black Coffee.  So today I did!

Black Coffee!

I do have to say that it was an above average coffee.  Even though I think I have discovered that I just don't have strong opinions on regular, hot coffee, I could see myself enjoyably curled up with a cup of this coffee.  I would believe that this is how coffee is supposed to be.

Unfortunately I planned this badly and it was a really, really hot day.  So of course I picked that day to get hot coffee.  I also drank a lot of ice water.  I feel like that messed with the overall experience just a little bit.

I thought about getting an Aeropress coffee because I have never tried that brew method.  The coffee is inside a little container with the water and another piece is pushed in and adds some pressure, then the brewed coffee filters out the bottom.  The barista said it ended up a bit milder than other methods.  But I decided to go with a pourover because that is their go-to method and it's what I would be able to compare best.

It was good coffee (see, I just can't have strong feelings).  There was a little too much sourness for me to perfectly enjoy (but I think this is normal coffee that people like), but otherwise it had a really smooth taste.  I wasn't turned off by any bitterness at all.  There were layers of flavor - it was a good adventure.  Most of the sourness came in as an aftertaste.  I almost want to say it was a bit fruity, but I'm not sure if that's accurate.  It was more like drinking it leaned toward the direction of how it is to drink juice or tea or a smoothie or something.  Like, in addition to being coffee, it was also just a drink.  Maybe it's a testament to how much bad coffee there is that it can be a different category than "drink."  But this one was a drink.

Overall it was one of the best coffees I have had.  And I am not content to know that plain coffee just isn't something I have strong feelings about.  However, it was a fun experience to have really good plain coffee.

I also got a side of quinoa as a snack.  It was good - slightly better than I was expecting because the small veggies inside were crisper or fresher than I figured they would be.  (Hooray for low expectations!)  Anyway, it was a good, convenient snack.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

26 - Aviano Coffee, Denver (Cherry Creek)

Coffee Shop:
Aviano Coffee
244 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206

Date Visited:
Thursday, June 9, 2016
About 2:00 p.m. -  5:00 p.m.

Cappuccino: $4.75
(.75 cent charge for almond milk)

This is a pretty "upscale" coffee shop so I decided it was a good place to try a cappuccino.  I think this is what a cappucino is supposed to be: 2 oz espresso, 2 oz milk, 2 oz foam.  And well-crafted.

It was a good cappuccino. I feel like I got the classic experience.  I'm not in love with the foam idea in general, but I like it in that it is classic and worth experiencing.  It was good foam here.

Classy cappuccino!

They said it was a dollar charge for almond milk and I was like, "Even for a cortado???" (We had been talking about cortados and cappuccinos.)  He looked and it was .75 cents for a cappuccino.  It's not like that's amazingly better, but at least it's sort of internally consistent and I was willing to go ahead and do it because they seemed classy and I wanted to try their espresso.  And it seemed like a good place for a cappuccino.  But a dollar is ridiculous for a milk substitution.

They have indoor and outdoor seating.  While I was there the whole front wall was opened up.  It was hot so I sat in the back where the air conditioning was mostly effective (though I do disapprove of having an entire open wall and blowing air conditioning's just too much).  It was also busy in the outside area - looked nice and shady and fun.  There were a lot of people hanging out being social, and probably working.  There were a lot of people in nice clothes.  I actually felt a little bit out of place.  The baristas were in slacks and polo shirts and stuff.  I guess it was VERY "Cherry Creek."  There weren't a lot of people working alone.  I feel like it's a "being out and about" place.  It made it kind of lively, which was cool.

Bottom line is this place has really good coffee and it's really nice.  The "upscale" description is deserved.  The baristas were nice and professional.  The coffee shop is spacious, organized, and cleanly styled.  The coffee was tasty and well-crafted.

It had a "nicer restaurant" feel.  In that had the sort of nice restaurant feel that I usually skip.  Like, it's nice in ways that I don't think are worth the little things that follow, like upscale pricing, like a dollar charge for a milk substitution, like not having a parking lot because people will deal with the meters anyway (see below...I think it's annoying when businesses have the attitude that they are totally not responsible for how people actually transport themselves to the business...but this is by no means unique and another whole issue on its own...just commenting...moving on).  And I don't care about things like people being dressed really nicely at a coffee shop.

I think Aviano would be out of place in locations other than Cherry Creek.  And I think they totally know that and are intentionally well-styled for Cherry Creek.  They are unique, in a good way.  I haven't been to a coffee shop quite like them and that's a hard claim to make with SO many coffee shops everywhere.  So they have found a cool, distinct niche.  And it's not superficial - the quality is as good as the atmosphere they present.  But since they do have the "we're a nice place and this is a place where you act like it is a nice place" attitude I can see how it might seem uninviting sometimes.  Also the difficult location and priciness are factors.  I still really liked hanging out there, but wouldn't do it all the time.  I think whether it is a "can't miss" place depends a LOT on whether one is a part of the audience they are appealing to, or the experience one is going for...but it seems they appeal to that audience and experience quite well.  While it's not a perfect storm of convenience, price, atmosphere, and coffee for me...I really liked checking them out and trying their coffee.

The milk substitution is what I mean...  It's not worth it.  But then it kind of was.  Because this is the kind of place where everything is just a bit too expensive, but you do it anyway because you grudgingly accept that it is that kind of place.  So definition it is worth it because you were willing to pay.  But then you don't do it all the time...unless you're some people who don't care.  So really it's just kind of worth it...but you can see how they make all this work.

Right?  That explanation.  Just like that.

The Parking Note:
Parking was hard.  They don't have a lot and most street spaces are metered.  And they were all full!  I ended up finding free 2hr parking a couple blocks away.  I stayed a bit longer than 2 hours so I had to deal with walking two blocks to move my car.  There are also a lot of permit restricted streets, so it takes some attention to decipher.

It was a little confusing to know where to order (I didn't have an issue because I walked in when no one was there and a barista pointed me to the right area, but I can see how it would be really annoying to stand in the wrong place in line before realizing it).  The register is where you pick up your drinks, since that's when you pay, but it's not where you order.  There are little menus on the other side, but they aren't really noticeable until you're already at the counter.  Also if you don't already have a drink you like to order and want to peruse the menu for a second, if there is a line you can't do that until you are already up to order.  I would feel awkward with people waiting.  Fortunately for me there weren't, but just pointing this out.

The music was kind of loud, but it worked with their vibe.

The wi-fi was a little slow sometimes, but no issues.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

25 - From the Ground Up, Denver

Not fancy, but fun place.

Coffee Shop:
From the Ground Up
2418 S Colorado blvd
Denver, CO 80212

Date Visited:
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
About 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Small (12 oz) Cold Brew: $2.25

I asked about the cappuccino here and it is the same size as a latte, but varying amounts of foam.  They don't have anything stronger espresso-wise, but were happy to add more espresso (no...haha) or put in less milk if I wanted.  I ended up just getting a cold brew.  I don't particularly want to customize stuff, just see what places call a cappuccino and try them.  But I didn't want a lot of milk in a drink today.

So this is not a place to go to get really good coffee drinks or crafted espresso.  When I asked about the cappuccino the barista had no idea what I was talking about.  I was thinking that she was maybe just the cashier and got drip or pre-made stuff to the extent that she didn't know, but I think I saw her operate the espresso machine later.  I was just asking about what the espresso/milk ratio was and stuff.  She had a guess, but went and asked for me.  (That's when I got the answer.)  I think possibly she was training.

HOWEVER it was not an unpleasant experience at all.  She was super nice and not dismissive about the question or anything remotely like that.  It was great.  So I am not complaining at all!

I was also not reveling in an amazing espresso experience or something.  It's a different niche.

My cold brew was not very good, but it wasn't bad.  I drank a bit black but it wasn't anything special. I added some almond milk and sugar and liked it okay like that.  It was one of those situations where I had a coffee.  It wasn't great, but no complaints.  It was also only $2.25.
Interesting anecdote - instead of the normal ice one would expect in a coffee shop iced drink, there were two giant ice cubes like they came out of a layperson's ice cube tray.  They stuck together so there was basically a big glob of ice.  Again, not complaining, it just struck me.

The shop is really cute and comfy.  It seemed like a little local community-based coffee shop.  I thought the art was nice, the coffee bar place was set up in an appealing way (like, obviously it's a coffee shop, but it just struck me that is particularly made this place seem homey or something), and they have a nice style.  The music was Frank Sinatra and relaxing, chill stuff.  There majority of people there were hanging out and talking, as opposed to working.  And people just seemed happy.  It was a nice place to be!

So decent coffee in a place with a really pleasant, inviting atmosphere.

The tables and chairs were all matching (which probably helped with the style more than I consciously realized).  Just simple, dark wood.  There were also a few comfy chairs in the corner by the window.  There was even a rocking chair!  On the walls there were prints of coffee-related things and those old-fashioned style prints with funny quotes about caffeine and sleeping when dead and stuff.  I am just trying to explain all of the nice, little touches.

When I went up to get my coffee I had taken out my computer and she asked if I needed the wi-fi password before I had even remembered to ask.  (See, little things like that, they were awesome even though I didn't get an immediate answer to my cappuccino question.)  And I had no wi-fi issues.

There is a parking lot shared with adjacent restaurants and businesses.

Monday, June 6, 2016

24 - Steep Coffee & Tea, Denver

Cozy, bright place and good tea!

Coffee Shop:
Steep Coffee & Tea
4100 East 8th Avenue
Denver, CO 80220

Date Visited:
Sunday, June 5, 2016
About 2:00 p.m. -  5:00 p.m.

Medium (16 oz) Coconut Milk Green Tea Latte: $4.45
(.60 cent charge for coconut milk)

I love it because they are a tea shop!  I know I am mostly on a quest to become a coffee snob, but I really like being a tea snob.  They also have a full coffee menu, but I took advantage of being able to get tea.

I'm really into the matcha concept since I discovered it and that's what the green tea latte is made from, so I ordered that!  I realized in retrospect that they probably use the same amount of matcha for the small and medium (if it's like espresso) - BUT THEN I ASKED AND THEY DON'T.  I did get more matcha in my medium than I would have in a small.  They do use the same amount of espresso for both sizes, but not for the matcha.  I was pleased.  And the baristas were in agreement that this is how things should be (more matcha in a medium).  Although the medium and large have more similar amounts.

When I first ordered I asked about alternative milks and which might be good.  They have almond, organic almond, soy, and coconut.  The barista said that he recommended something other than almond because it doesn't steam up as well (AS I HAVE SUSPECTED, although this may be related to this specific drink, I wouldn't know for sure).   I got coconut.

Note - their alternative milks have different prices based on the type.  I appreciate the internal consistency.

It was really delicious!  I was glad I got the larger size so I had more to enjoy and could sit with it for a while without feeling the pressure that it was running out (don't you hate that feeling? when you you have an amazing food or beverage and it is running out faster than you want...).  I thought the matcha was awesome and the coconut milk worked really well!

They also have some decent food options.  I would be interested to try the matcha bowl.  They also have acai bowls, which are probably awesome.

I really liked the shop as well.  Good seating options - tables, a bar, and comfy chairs - nice windows with lots of light, and it was comfy.  Plenty of outlets.  Chill music.  It was a nice place to be.

I liked this place a lot!  I have to mention that in comparison to the other tea place I have been to...Platform T *cough*...this was significantly better.  Prices were more reasonable, they have more character, I liked the drinks and shop better, and interacting with the baristas was a nicer and more informative experience.

They DON'T do teapots, which I think is sad, but it's fine as a stylistic choice.  They just focus on other stuff, like all the cool signature beverages they have and stuff.  They DO re-steeps if you order looseleaf tea.  So it's kind of the same thing (really, just a stylistic choice, and I see how teapots just aren't important to the vibe they are going for).  If you order looseleaf tea you can get more hot water and use the leaves again.  If it's only the amount of tea leaves appropriate to a cup I am guessing the end result would be less tea after all the re-steeps than if it was a pot, but that difference probably wouldn't practically affect many people at all.  Their prices are also reasonable and appropriate so ordering a cup with re-steeps is probably a better deal than ordering a pot would be.

Anyway, awesome place.  I raved a bit.  I don't know if it's at the level of distinctive enough to warrant a special trip...although for good tea it probably crosses that line.  But it has a lot going for it.

There is a parking lot on the back with a decent selection of spaces.  Street parking as a backup.

No wi-fi issues.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

23 - Sazza, Greenwood Village

"Coffee Shop:"
2500 E. Orchard Rd Unit E
Greenwood Village, CO 80121

Date Visited:
Saturday, June 4, 2016
About 3:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Large (12-inch) Double Dough Pizza with vegan cashew cheese sauce and 5 toppings (black olives, red onions, cilantro, fresh pineapple, and wilted spinach): $19.31 (including tax)
Lemonade: $4.29 (including tax)

This definitely falls under the category of "place you can hang out with wi-fi and technically get coffee if you want to."  But it is, indeed, true.

And I LOVE their pizza!

This visit I replicated a pizza that I described as the best pizza I have ever had in my life.  This time I would not say that so there must have been a special combination of events and nuances the other time.  But it was still REALLY GOOD.

They are a bit expensive, but they carefully source all of the ingredients and house-make pretty much everything, and can tell you where everything comes from.  And the price is evident in the quality.  IT'S SO GOOD.

I got a large pizza just for me, which lasts me at least one more meal with leftovers.  I hadn't eaten in the restaurant before, just gotten pizza to go a couple of times.  Since I was staying this time I got into a conversation about their drink menu, which was more extensive with good things than I thought.  They have margaritas and mojitos which they make from scratch, no mix.  The guy said they were pretty expensive, to warn me about the potential sticker shock.  They're about $10 each.  But he knew where all of the ingredients were sourced and I think having one of those with real ingredients and no mixes is worth it.  Especially since mediocre ones push that price range at an expensive place.  So I would like to try them sometime.  But I did not this time.

After hearing about how they make everything a lemonade sounded good.  It was also a bit expensive, but came with free refills.  And it was pretty good.  Nice amount of lemony and sweet.

The restaurant was a nice place to hang out.  They have both indoor and outdoor seating and both is nice.  I got cold inside so I moved outside part way through.  They are near-ish a busy street, but far enough back that outdoors is a nice place to sit.  They were also friendly and nice.

I was working on my computer for a bit, but it's a good balance between that sort of environment and a place you'd go out to have dinner.  It probably leans toward the latter, but I didn't feel awkward.  I always wish there were more sit-down restaurants where it would be acceptable to open up a laptop while eating.  Not that it's forbidden, but I feel really awkward.  And if there is a waiter/waitress they want you to leave whether they make it obvious or not, so I feel weird doing things other than eating.  I guess what I actually wish is that there were more places one could get food that are not sit-down/full service restaurants.

ANYWAY, I loved it because I could get AMAZING PIZZA and hang out for a while and it was very chill.  I suppose pizza places and bars are the places where this is more acceptable.

Bottom line: Really, really good pizza.

No wi-fi isses.

There is a parking lot with plenty of space.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

A Kaladi's Update... [*with dark music playing*]

I made these edits in the Kaladi's post, but I thought they deserved their own post.

It's basically: "Why Kaladi's actually sucked when I went."

I inquired about, then ordered the Venetian Cream.

Their board say this: Venetian Cream: "Always iced, always non-dairy, always a secret recipe."

It's not actually dairy free (and it's not actually a secret recipe).  I asked to make sure it had no milk/egg/etc products in it and the barista said it didn't, definitely.  And she was lying because she didn't actually know.  Really unprofessional.  Especially for a question about dairy in a drink advertised as non-dairy.  So basically, they actually suck.

I just inquired about the Venetian Cream at Nixon's and found out that it has a milk derivative in it.  I specifically asked at Kaladi's if it was definitely vegan in addition to being dairy-free, like not just dairy-free, but no milk products/egg, etc....and they said yes.  I get when people think dairy-free means vegan, but I specified...
I checked with Kaladi on the phone and they said, "Oh, it's not even dairy-free, either."
So basically...really crappy barista I had.
And like...are they calling this a secret recipe and using a bag mix?
I think they kinda suck now.
Like...the menu says it is non-dairy.  This is a reasonable question to expect a correct answer on.  And she didn't even say she didn't know.  She said it like they had intentionally made a non-dairy drink.

I don't often go for the really sweet/flavored/lots of weird ingredients drinks anyway, so while it was fun I wouldn't have been disappointed to not get it.  Obviously I won't again.  Kaladi's still seems really cool for coffee, but this drink aspect sucked.  And if they are being misleading on their menu and through their baristas...maybe they are not actually that awesome.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

22 - Pablo's Coffee (6th and Washington), Denver

Coffee Shop:
Pablo's Coffee (6th and Washington location)
630 E 6th ave
Denver, CO 80203

Date Visited:
Monday, May 30, 2016
About 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

12 oz Iced Almond Milk Latte: $3.65
(.50 cent charge for almond milk)

I wasn’t that impressed with Pablo’s.  I have pretty high standard’s when I visit a place advertising themselves as a craft coffee place now, so maybe that’s a factor.  Their web site says they are one of the first craft coffee shops in Denver and talks about how knowledgeable their baristas are about their single-origin coffees, etc, so I was ready for some good coffee.  I was thinking I would go for an iced coffee, but when I walked up their windows had espresso things advertised on it and their menu just seemed steered toward espresso.  Like, espresso drinks were at the top anyway.  And they had an espresso drink size guide.  It is also entirely probably that I am just easily steered toward espresso drinks.

I asked about their cappuccinos as part of my quest to decipher what places mean when they say cappuccino and if there are patterns of consistency.  Here, they are the same size as the lattes, but more foamy.  This is also not what I what I thought the definition of a cappuccino was.  I think it may have been very corrupted.

It was sort of a warm day and I had been feeling iced coffee, as I mentioned.  Cold Brew was not on their menu.  I checked after I ordered and they do have it, but since I am testing things out I like to go off of what I see and wasn’t going to order something they weren’t even advertising...  Well, not even advertising, just listing.  (Okay, later I noticed that they had “toddy” under their iced drinks, which is probably their cold brew.  I guess I will have to start making the connection that this is probably cold brew.)  I asked if the barista thought the iced lattes were as good as hot.  He said there’s the viewpoint that coffee is made hot so it should be consumed hot, but he still thought they were pretty good iced.  And it’s that time of year.

Anyway, the baristas were reasonably friendly, but didn’t seem to have strong opinions or desire to convey info on drinks.  They probably would have answered if I asked specific questions, but it wasn’t like the places that have a vision or specialty or story that is obvious.

Iced Latte

I ultimately opted for an iced latte and I wasn’t very impressed.  It was pretty sour in a weird way.  And when I got it there was a lot of milk settled at the bottom and it wasn’t stirred very well.  I didn’t pick out many distinctive flavors.  It just wasn’t very good.  They also gave it to me in the plastic cup by default.

The shop itself is pretty cool.  There are quite a bit of small tables to sit at and a couch/comfy chair area.  The coolest thing – there were LOTS of plants covering the whole area along the large front windows.  Most of the plants were really big.  And it was kind of a quirky place, which I always appreciate.  Kind of loud colors and décor, and art outside (in the picture).  It wasn’t quirky in a way I particularly liked, but I still appreciate quirky places.  The plants part I thought was awesome.  They were all real and jungly and awesome. 

You can see lots of jungly plants in the window. 

Maybe it is a good place to buy really good coffee beans and stuff, but other than the plants I didn't really like anything.

THEY DO NOT HAVE WIFI.  What??  Okay, that’s it.  They just don’t have it.

There is a parking area in the back and some street parking options in the vicinity as a backup.  I parked in the lot.