Sunday, April 3, 2016

Day 5 - Drip Denver, Denver

Tasty drinks, friendly, good place to hang out - very nice all-round.

Coffee Shop:
Drip Denver
933 Lincoln St
Denver, CO 80203

Date Visited:
Sunday, April 3, 2016
About 2:00-5:00

12 oz almond milk chai latte: $3.60

I was there to talk with some people for a bit, and I also worked some.  It was a very nice atmosphere for both.  I heard them say that they make their own chai, and I wasn't really feeling like a full dose of caffeine, so I went with that.  They had almond and soy milk - and did not charge me for the almond milk.  I quite liked it.  It was spicier than I expected, but not too spicy, and had a warm and cozy feeling.  I would have liked it a little creamier, but it was just stronger on the "spicy chai" side.

Almond milk chai latte

So I am not going to praise the latte art...but they had this on the wall.  And this is one of the reasons I loved this place.

Pictures of latte art - with markers and sticky notes so that customers can interpret and label the art.

So...that was one of my favorite things I have seen in a coffee shop.  There was totally a ringed planet and a spider web, but I did not label any myself.  I ended up not examining it in detail after getting a quick picture.
Also - another perk - this is in the hallway by the bathroom, so if you have to wait you can be entertained.  This place has the little things covered.

They gave me a reusable cup since I said I was staying there, but other people had paper cups, so I don't think it was always automatic.

I got into a little conversation as I ordered, we talked about my chai, they made some suggestions, customer service was nice and everyone was friendly.  Not in the formal, giving suggestions to the customer, good business, kind of way, but in the way of we just had a nice, quick conversation about chai because everyone was into the subject matter.  It was pleasant.  I don't know if that clarifies.  My point is that everything contributed to the friendly atmosphere, which made it a nice, comfy place to have a tasty drink and hang out.  I hung out on the comfy couches instead of at the tables, but everything seemed nice.  I would have stayed a bit longer, but they close at 5:00 on weekends.

They also have beer, wine, and spiked coffee drinks, which I think would be fun to try there.

I didn't use the wi-fi very much, but didn't have any issues.

There is a free parking garage!

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