Monday, April 18, 2016

9 - Black Black Coffee, Denver


Coffee Shop:
Black Black Coffee
3459 Ringsby Ct
Denver, CO 80216

Date Visited:
Friday, April 15, 2016
About 10:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Cashew Milk Latte: $4.00
(I think it was 10 oz)

I love Black Black Coffee!  Their story is is cool - they get the best coffee possible and serve it black.  So you get to experience the best coffee parts of coffee.  I read some reviews and there are a few haters about this, because they don't even have cream or sugar as an option.  But if you really don't like it...then you don't want this coffee shop and that is okay.  It is just not what they do.  What they do is serve awesome coffee.

Going in, I thought this was a cool, quirky/stylistic idea.  And I had high expectations.  They do, in fact, serve lattes and some things that are not straight-up coffee.  So when I went in I asked them, "I have been loving lattes lately, but you are Black Black Coffee - do I want straight coffee?"  They said that their coffee is amazing and if I could even stomach regular coffee black, then I would love this.  However, they added, their espresso is REALLY amazing, so I should get whatever I like and I would like it better.  I also investigated their cold brew.  It was really expensive, more than $5, and the guy also recommended a latte over cold brew.  Since I had also discovered that they had cashew milk, which sounded good, I went for a cashew milk latte with this TO DIE FOR ESPRESSO.  (I love their confidence.)

THIS is what good lattes are made of.

It was an amazing latte.

I mentioned in a previous post that I didn't know how to form an opinion on espresso and that that was something I would dive into at some point.  I didn't even need to order a plain espresso.  I get it.  This was made with really good espresso.  Okay, I don't completely get it because part of a good latte is good proportions, so I still can't speak to plain espresso - but I will confidently claim that I know the difference between good espresso and other espresso in a latte.  This was good espresso.  And that other part about a latte, the proportions?  Yes, this was also that.  This was latte magic.

This latte was fulfilling.  It was wholesome.  It was what a latte is supposed to be.  It was also too small.  How would I improve it?  More.  That is a good sign.  I don't know if this was partly psychological, if I was tired that day, or if I have developed a higher caffeine tolerance, but I didn't really "feel" the coffee.  I am guessing psychological.  I just wanted more!  I am pretty sure that they have a normal shot of espresso, just mixed with less milk, to get the smaller size.  I am guessing it was a 10 oz latte, but I wouldn't be shocked if it was slightly smaller (I was trying to compare with the 10 oz I got at Corvus - I could ask, but that is less exciting).  I am sure this is also part of the great taste - specific portions, different than average.  Stronger on the espresso part to make that taste come out.  (Yum.)

Also - they did not charge extra for cashew milk.  Way to go, guys!

The guy I originally talked to also asked if I wanted to try a cortado.  I have to go back here to get a cortado.  I want to try their cortado.  And it will be my first cortado!
And I have to try their straight-up black coffee.

I have to go back.  They also had a kitchen!  They have a Black Black Coffee Kitchen!  I can get food there too!  They didn't have much in the way of vegan options, but they were totally in to working with me and said they could definitely make a salad.  There were sides of quinoa or tater tots, and lots of other good ingredients to play with.

I liked hanging out here.  I liked the vibe.  I think I was just really into the whole thing, so I was loving the experience.  It is in this gigantic complex of buildings that was sort of confusing, but there were signs that led to it.  There is a free parking lot in the back of their building, but it wasn't obvious to me that I wasn't supposed to park more toward the front (but there are numbered and unnumbered spaces; they said the unnumbered were fine to park in).  So I am just leaving that information here.  Partially because it was in a gigantic building complex, I guess, it sort of had a warehouse feel.  The door was also gigantic and heavy.  The ceiling was really high.  It was near a train yard.  And...the tables moved on tracks on the floor (I noticed because I scooted two apart so I wasn't taking up two little tables).  It was cold the day I was there, but there was also an outdoor seating area.

The music was a bit loud and jarring, but I still got used to it and it wasn't bothering me like I thought it might at the very beginning.  Later though, they stopped the music and were loudly playing what seemed like a coffee shop podcast, or something similar.  Since it went on for a while, I ended up finding that annoying.  Overall I still enjoyed my time there since I was way into everything.

They also close at 2:30pm.  Downside!  Except...they are in downtown Denver, so I would want to leave before then anyway!  So that is the real downside.  So - good for a morning place (obviously that is what they intend).

No wi-fi issues (though I did have to ask what it was because the network is not the same name as the coffee shop).

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