Sunday, April 10, 2016

7 - Beet Box, Denver

They have donuts this way!

Beet Box! Perfect!

Coffee Shop/Cafe:
Beet Box Bakery and Cafe
1030 E 22nd ave
Denver, CO 80205

Date Visited:
Sunday, April 10, 2016
About 3:00 - 5:00

Turtle Brownie: $3.50
12 oz almond milk latte: $3.25
ABC sandwich: $7.50

Unfortunately this place is in downtown Denver, and I find it difficult to easily hang out in downtown Denver.  Or I would go here ALL the time.  That is the only significant downside.  If I lived there and could walk to it THERE WOULD BE NO DOWNSIDE.  Oh, well.

It's not really a "coffee shop" but I am counting anything that is a cafe, and this is a cafe.  IT IS A TOTALLY VEGAN DELICIOUS CAFE.  Everything is vegan.  They have lots of good deserts.  And they make almond milk in-house, so obviously I got an almond milk latte.

Almond milk latte and turtle brownie

It was a good latte!  It was not one of the best I have had, but it was one of the better almond milk lattes I have had.  They have this really nice picture of a pecan pie on their web site...but they only make it in the Fall (this is another downside), but after seeing it I really wanted pecans, so I got the turtle brownie.  It was really good, too!  The caramel was fun to try, also.  It wasn't my favorite desert ever, but I also kind of wasn't expecting it to be.  It was a little rich for me - but it got me the pecans I wanted!  I do really like really fudgy brownies, and this was pretty fudgy, but also a little coarse or something.  But look at the picture...isn't it beautiful?  So big picture is "turtle" things aren't my favorite because they are usually a bit much, but in this case it got me pecans and was pretty good!

I meant to get there earlier, especially because they have food and this is the kind of place that I always want in my life like I talked about and I could have sustenance and hang out for a long time!!! But I didn't.  Unfortunately they close at 5:00 on Sundays (some days they are open until 7:00).  BUT I still got food as well, since I was still a little bit hungry, especially after being around the concept of food at the Beet Box.  I got a beet sandwich (ABC sandwich - I believe the B is for beet).


I's the Beet Box!  I liked it quite a bit.  I love the unique combinations and sauces that they have and would love to try everything.  This was a great combination for flavors and the bread was really good!

I did not finish everything, since I ordered a lot for the short time I was there, but I am okay with leftovers to eat tomorrow!

It's a GREAT place to hang out BECAUSE THEY WILL FEED YOU, but it's not as great to hang out as I would like.  There are a few tables and some booths, most in a separate room which does contribute to the comfortable atmosphere.  But the booth seats aren't that comfortable, and there were a lot of crumbs around... I am kind of okay with that to a point because it's a bakery, but they weren't very busy while I was there, so they would have had time to do a basic cleaning of the major stuff (wipe tables, sweep the major stuff up), and they hadn't.  I found the music a little distracting instead of mood-setting, but no specific complaints (maybe it was just a little loud for me or something).  Still, it's a decent place to hang out and they were very friendly.

No wi-fi issues.

They DON'T have parking.  BIGGEST downside.  Contributes to it not being easy to go hang out.  I didn't have any trouble with street parking on a Sunday, but I don't know how it is during the week.  I think that where I parked was not limited to 2 hours (or worse, 1 hour) though, so if that is more available than I thought it makes the lack of a parking lot more forgivable.

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