Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Day 6 - Steam, Denver

A very "coffee" coffee shop and a fun place to be.

Coffee Shop:
Steam Espresso Bar
1801 S Pearl St
Denver, CO 80210

Date Visited:
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
About 1:15 - 5:15

Cold Brew Coffee: $3.50

I kind of wanted a latte again, and they looked delicious here, but this place emphasizes the "coffee" part of coffee, so I thought it would be a good place to experiment (I don't even know how to have thoughts on espresso, at some point during this adventure I will get some opinions about that) or finally get a cold brew.  After a brief chat with the barista (a couple sentences, and inquiring what type of cold brew they had, etc.) I decided to go with the cold brew.  Speaking of the type of cold brew - it is a blend, and I was raised (as far as my cold brew journey is concerned) on single-origin, and sort of associate blends with places that incidentally do cold brew, but not seriously (you know, when being elitist about it).  Since this place is serious, I thought it would be cool to get this perspective.

I liked it.  I can tell that it's not haphazardly thrown together, but selected for cold brew (okay, I can't tell, but I believe it based on the good, distinct taste).  It had quite a strong and lingering sour aftertaste.  I think I would have preferred it a little bit less sour, but it was distinctively cold brew, in the sense that it wasn't bitter at all.  It grew on me as I drank it, too, after I was expecting the sourness.  I think I kept expecting a bit of bitterness to show up, and it didn't.  It just remained deliciously cold brew.  It was my first cold brew in quite a while and I highly enjoyed the experience. Especially over-analyzing my reactions.

I drank the first half my cold brew black (and they said it would be good like that), and added creamer and sugar for the second half.  I liked it black a little better...maybe.  It was also more watered down from the ice melting by the time I added the extras, so that could have affected the flavor.  I do this weird thing with cold brew...if I am adding stuff I like adding creamer and Sugar in the Raw.  The reason this is weird is because it's cold brew, iced coffee, so the sugar doesn't dissolve.  Most people would add simple syrup (sugar water) instead.  But I think I love the strong, mostly-unsweetened coffee taste (a little bit still dissolves) mixed with the burst of sweetness of a few sugar crystals.  You have to drink it with a straw so you you get sugar crystals from the bottom.  I said I liked it black better, maybe...but it was so fun with the sugar experience for the second half.  Plus, the sourness that was a little strong for me was tempered.  So...I feel like I am being less of a cold brew elitist, and I lost the over-analyzing, but maybe I actually liked it better the second half (either way it was good!).  They didn't have any sitting out, but were happy to let me use their almond milk as creamer (no charge...that would be ridiculous).  They also had soy milk.

                                       First half black.                                                                              Second half almond milk and sugar!

They asked me for here or to go when I ordered, so I was served my cold brew in a mason jar.

There were a couple spaces to sit inside at a bar when I got there, the tables were all full, but they also had a nice outdoor seating area, so I sat outside.  It's on a quiet street and the outdoor area is set up so it feels like part of the shop.  You can actually access the barista area through a couple of windows and order or pick up a drink without going inside.

It was a little windy with lots of temperature fluctuations (the sun going in and out of clouds), and being outside is always at the mercy of the elements.  I often find it harder to concentrate and actually get things done, but I liked sitting outside here while I did.  It was still a comfortable, "coffee-shop" area, and not a couple tables tacked on outside like some places have.  Fortunately, though they were still busy, when it got too windy for me to stay outside there were a couple tables open inside, so I moved.  If I hadn't picked that time, though, there might not have been a spot.  They may just be very good at prime-balancing the space and number of customers.

This was a very social place, both inside and outside.  I think the ratio of people hanging out, talking, in pairs or small groups to people working in laptops was higher than other places I have been to recently.  Ironically (me working on a laptop and all), I like that atmosphere better.  It was kind of loud sometimes with lots of talking, but in a happy, lively way.  This impression might be because a lot of the people on laptops were congregated at one large table, or at the counters by the serving area, but either way it speaks to the atmosphere.

They also have cool chandeliers and other lights!

They actually close at 5:00 (so many coffee shops close so early around here!), but there were a large number of people still hanging out and they just cleaned and moved tables around us and didn't mind that we were staying.  It wasn't obvious that they had closed (someone else asked about it).  I assume they kick people out at some point, but they were still welcoming when I left at about 5:15, and there were a few group of people still there.

They do not have parking, but there is free street parking.  Some of it is a 2-hr limit, but around the corner it was open.  It wasn't difficult to park.  I hadn't parked in the affected area, but I saw that they were awesome enough to put up a sign outside emphasizing not to park in one area because it was a street-sweeping day.

The wifi was very slow, but reliable.

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