Saturday, April 30, 2016

12 - Crema, Denver

Super friendly atmosphere and they know their coffee!

Coffee Shop:
2862 Larimer St
Denver, CO 80205

Date Visited:
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
About 3:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

[Note: They close at 5:00.  They were so super nice that we had NO idea and it was actually shortly after 5:30 when we left and they were still chatting with us while they swept the floor.]

10 oz Cold Brew Iced Coffee: $3.00

We stopped by Crema on the way to a baseball game!  I was very excited to try Crema because they seemed like a very crafty yet chill place - I was not disappointed.  And I have been very into espresso lately.  According to their web site, "Crema is the lovely layer of thickly effervescent foam that defines well-crafted espresso, an emulsion of the essential oils contained in the coffee."  That is beautiful!  They take this stuff seriously!  And that is where they get their NAME.  I had to try their espresso!

And then I ended up getting so distracted that I got cold brew.

This is how it went down.

I went up to the counter and said, "You're Crema! Should I get espresso???" (Paraphrasing.)  I was hoping for the best espresso recommendation, or some kind of excitement that would guide me toward the way to discover the best kind of crema at Crema. (Ha.  I enjoy this a lot.)

Instead, the barista told me that their specialty is that they source from EVERYWHERE.  And he had a list of like 40,000 different places they source from (I exaggerate, but I was like, "....Woah...I can't keep up...I'm not this much of a coffee snob yet").  He told me about the espresso that they had that day, and about which other coffee they had.  And of course he just said get whatever I like.  I had to ask about cold brew, and it was the same kind of coffee they had for espresso.  I think this is partly why I got distracted.  Then he offered me a SAMPLE of the cold brew, which I tried, and it was quite distinct...and then I got it.

Iced coffee with no crema at Crema

It was the "lightest" flavored iced coffee I have had, at least in a long time.  It was a bit bitter/dark, kind of earthy, but not strong.  They said it was brewed for a full 24 hours, so the slight bitterness makes sense.  There wasn't much aftertaste, which was kind of a nice change because I have had so many strong coffees lately with long-lasting aftertastes (especially the espresso, which makes total sense and was good for its purpose, but it was still nice to change up).  Overall, the iced coffee was very easy and enjoyable to drink.  It was a dash of a delicate combination of flavors for a nice moment.  I drank about half black because it was quite good like that and I didn't want to cover up the flavor undertones because they were very nice.  I put almond milk and raw sugar in for the second half and it was DELICIOUS.  A perfect example of cold brew with cream and sugar crystals the way I like it.

The coffee shop was a nice place to hang out - much of the nice atmosphere was created by the attitude of the baristas.  They were very welcoming and awesome, and enthusiastic and happy to discuss their product.  And totally into chatting about something else, too.  There were two areas to sit, one in the back and one by the entrance.  I really liked the area by the entrance because there were great windows.  The seating was maybe a little cramped, but not in a way I minded.  (There weren't any outlets visible, which didn't bother me because I had a full charge, but could be an issue.)  We (one other person and I) sat and talked and worked on a couple little things for a bit before heading over to the baseball game and it was nice!

In retrospect I remembered seeing that they closed at 5:00, but we weren't paying attention to the time or anything and it was almost 5:30 before we noticed that the door was locked and they were closed!  We had no idea!  I think that was super nice of the staff, not just to let us stay, but to clean so discretely in other areas first, etc. that we didn't even know!  Then when we realized and were getting ready to go the barista was still striking up casual conversation with us.  So again, they really create a GREAT, friendly, inviting atmosphere.

I didn't use the wi-fi that much this time, but had no issues.

They don't have parking, but there is a reasonable amount of free, unlimited street parking in the vicinity.  It is probably not difficult to find a spot within a couple blocks (it wasn't for us).

Thursday, April 28, 2016

My First Espresso! - Steam

Soooo tiny. Awwww.
And strong.

Coffee Shop:
Steam Espresso Bar
1801 S Pearl St
Denver, CO 80210

Date Visited:
Tuesday, April 27, 2016
About 1:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Espresso: $2.75

I decided it was time to try a straight espresso, which I had never done in my life.  I wanted a basis for comparison, and I had thought the latte from Steam had a nice coffee taste in it so I decided it was a good place for an espresso trial.

Like I said, this was my first espresso ever, so it was pretty exciting.  When I ordered it I asked them if there was anything special I should do while drinking it.  The barista said not really, and he didn't know why but it was served with a tiny spoon, so I could stir it and things.  We agreed that it seemed like a classy espresso pastime.

Anyway, for background, espresso is brewed by forcing pressurized hot water through finely ground coffee beans.  It is the base for espresso drinks like lattes, macchiatos, etc.  I generally drink lattes, which is the largest amount of stuff mixed with espresso.  A cortado, which I decided I really wanted to try from Black Black Coffee, is half espresso.  So my jump to straight espresso was a pretty big jump.  But I was ready for the adventure!

It was so adorable in its little tiny cup, and taking up such a small amount of the little tiny cup!
And that is usually what is mixed into my entire latte!

I stirred it with the spoon, which disrupted the crema on the top.  The crema is a thin film on top that is a result of the espresso brewing process.  (See, I am so fancy now.)  The drink underneath was a bit darker and the whole thing was very pretty.  I tried taking small drinks with the spoon and sipping out of the cup.  It was all very classy.

It was super strong.  As expected.  It was straight espresso.

It was tiny and mighty!

I had to take the tiniest sips.  But I thought that the intense amount of flavor was pretty fun.  The aftertaste lingered an exceptionally long time, which added another phase to the adventure.  It also help make such a tiny drink into a full drink experience.

The flavor was a bit different than what I would consider typical "coffee" taste, so it seemed a bit different than just concentrated coffee.  I have had a few Americanos in my life, which is espresso mixed with hot water - kind of regular coffee styled espresso, but those were in my far-less-educated coffee days so I will be interested to try a few Americanos again and see if they taste different to me than regular coffee.

In the case of this espresso, I thought that sourness was a huge part of the strong taste.  I drank a bit too much in one sip and my face puckered a bit!  Part of that was just the overall strength, but it was quite sour.

Overall, I thought that drinking an espresso was fun.  I would guess that it was a pretty good espresso, but think I will also try a few more to compare.  It's not something that I would be craving to drink again, but I can see being in the mood occasionally.  It wasn't particularly the taste that I liked, but the adventure of it.  It was fun!  I also feel more coffee-classy now.  It will be fun to see how much difference there is in such a strong taste between different espressos.

When I was originally talking to the barista, he suggested that if I wanted to make it special I could get a macchiato  - which is an espresso topped with a small amount of milk foam.  It was either the same price as an espresso or maybe 25 cents more.  He said they could do it with almond milk.  I asked if there was an extra charge and he didn't directly answer me (and didn't say how much), but indicated yes.  I think I was supposed to assume it was the same 75 cents extra as for a latte.  It's like a teaspoon of almond milk.  I was SO over this, and was leaning toward a plain espresso anyway, so I didn't cause any drama and just ordered an espresso.  But this is even MORE ridiculous when you consider that this is a shop that let me pour as much almond milk as I wanted in my cold brew coffee for no charge.  I get that they are steaming/foaming the milk...that is a service they provide that I will pay a little for...but it's no different for a different milk, especially for SUCH a tiny amount.  It is a completely arbitrary charge.  It just a charge that that coffee shops can get away with so they do it...I really dislike this attitude.  I am going to continue forming opinions about this...

Monday, April 25, 2016

11 - Wash Perk, Denver (Wash Park)

Coffee Shop:
Wash Perk
853 E Ohio Ave
Denver, CO 80209

Date Visited:
Monday, April 25, 2016
About 2:30 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.

16oz iced almond milk latte: $4.80

This was not a $4.80 iced latte.  They charged $1.10 for almond milk.

$1.10 in order to have almond milk in my iced latte.

$1.10 for almond milk is OUTRAGEOUS.  My initial impression is I would like this place a lot, and I thought I was going to, but that alone is enough to be a deterrent for me.  There is no reason to charge that much other than because they can get away with it.  But like...they can't.  I will never do that again.  I skimmed the menu for how much a charge would be and didn't see one.  I assumed it would be like 60 cents, which I still think is annoying and too much, so I just ordered.  It was almost twice that.  It's totally unreasonable.  I will pay extra for a really good latte, but these are not expensive lattes.  If it was some kind of secret-recipe-amazing-house-made almond milk, I would also be open to the idea.  But it's not.  They bought it and poured it in a cup, just like they do with dairy milk.  That service is not worth a 25% increase on the price of my latte.

I just don't have anything to say about the latte anymore.  It's decent, but it doesn't matter.  No one should ever order this.

A few comments on the latte experience itself: It was quite good.  I'm glad I didn't get it hot.  I had the vibe that from here it would be more like one of those that I don't like, and after tasting the cold I think I would have liked the hot significantly less.  But iced it was really good.

I have thought that the almond milk lattes I didn't like had something to do with it being steamed and not being steamed well, so it makes sense that I would think that iced is better.

But that's the other thing - YOU DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING TO THE ALMOND MILK FOR ME.  I could have ordered espresso and brought an entire carton of my own almond milk for the same price (between the normal additional price for latte vs espresso and the additional $1.10...pretty much).  This is just not okay.  [I want to be comfy here right now, but holy crap I'm so annoyed.]

I don't get it because it seems like a nice, friendly coffee shop that would do right by customers, but more than the unreasonable extra 70 cents I paid, it makes me mad that they have this nickel-and-diming-butactuallymultiplequarters thing going on.

This is my latte.

Anyway, there was nice, ample seating, both indoor and outside.  It was nice inside by the windows on a sunny day, as well as looking appealing outside, so it's possible to get some of the best of both worlds (enjoying the idea of "outside" but without the glare and wind :) ).

There was cool art, areas for kids to sit, and an overall cool, unique atmosphere inside.  There were LOTS of different seating options - that's what I thought was the coolest thing about this place.  Tables, counters, nice window nooks, soft chairs...all organized very comfily.  They also had a stack of board games.  I was originally sitting at a table, but there was a sign that said it was a community table and to make space if groups came in to use it - I like that.  No groups came, but a space opened up by a window, so I moved later.

I don't have as many "coffee" comments, partially because I can't talk about this drink.  Also because it was more of a regular coffee shop - good, but not a specialty shop.  Like, I asked a question about the cold brew and the barista didn't know (they had nitro, but were unsure if it was cold brew, but it is).  I am for sure not a pretentious coffee specialist (although I am getting there! :) ) so I can't ask anything that obscure.   He seemed surprised when I asked what kind of cold brew it was.  So again, they have good stuff, but not hardcore or specialty.  But it seemed like a very nice place to chill out with decent quality beverages.

I didn't like the music much.  I should have known this place was so close to great yet so far when I walked in and Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People was playing and there were people tapping their fingers to a song about kids running away from bullets... (biased...I hate that song and I hate it when people are jamming out to it like it's a bubble gum pop song).  Anyway, overall it was a bit too loud and distinct.  It didn't blend into a background mood-setting device (a thing which I often still enjoy even if it's not music I would listen to on my own).  Like, it didn't really seem to be part of a stylistic choice or set, so it kept being jarring.  It was noticeable because the shop was otherwise very nice and mellow and quiet and relaxing. close, yet so far.  It ended up being distracting.  Ugh....I just wanted to settle in to this nice, great, chill atmosphere and I COULDN'T.  I mean, I had headphones, but that's not a plus for the shop...seriously it would have been so nice even if there was no music.  Trying to be concrete about my complaint, I guess it was this weird collection of distracting pop stuff.  Fortunately, later it was either off or very low, which was nicer.

Other than that the place was very chill and quiet while I was there.  I'm sad because it was so close, but just not there.  I get why a lot of people would love this place.  I almost would have.  But I just didn't...

I saw they had a vegan cookie, but pshhhhh I would not even consider after the $1.10 thing.  And they did have a vegan burrito, but $5.35.  Pshhhhh.  But all of the burritos were that much, so I'm not complaining about a surcharge here, just that this is even more ridiculous in the face of the former surcharge.  (And really...when you have a vegan burrito that is solely beans and rice....if you're going to claim that almond milk should raise the cost of a drink by $1.10, shouldn't beans and rice alone cost less than when you add other things or more complex ingredients? Hmmmmm??????)

This just really bothered me because there shouldn't even be an extra charge, so the AUDACITY to charge $1.10 is so ridiculous.  It is just a normal isn't even really a special service you are providing.  The number of people who get nut milks because they are lactose intolerant...for health reasons...because it's another unique flavor and they like the taste...because they are vegan...means it is just a normal service option you are providing to customers.  It is not going above and beyond, it is not an inconvenience, it is not really more expensive (especially with other ingredient disparities that don't hold a price difference, like I mentioned...and all flavor syrups are the same price....all of the nut milks are the same price - why is dairy milk different? - ...all of these other arbitrary options don't cause a price shift...)...this is just one more normal option for a customer to have. 

No wi-fi issues.

The shop is on nice, mostly quiet streets.  I like locations like this a lot for coffee shops.  There was free, unlimited street parking all around.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Cold Brew at Corvus

Coffee Shop:
Corvus Coffee
Flagship Roastery & Espresso Bar
1740 S. Broadway
Denver, Colorado 80210

Date Visited:
Saturday, April 23, 2016
About 11:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Single Origin Iced Coffee: $4.00
Bialy: $3.00

Ha...this was so great.  I got to Corvus and I was thinking I wanted to try their cold brew, as I had thought after my first visit.  But then I found out it was nitro on tap, which I hadn't liked when I tried it at La Belle Rosette.  And I SORT of wanted to give nitro cold brew another try, but today I really wanted a coffee that I liked.  It was such a quandary!  There was a line so I let people go in front of me while I was fraught with indecision, then after the others were taken care of I ended up talking with a different barista.  For some reason everything was confusing and I had to get a list of all their iced drinks before getting back to the nitro stuff so I could ask a question.  It was one of those conversations where both of you know there is a simpler way but for some reason neither of you can find it.  So I checked again, and they had two kinds of cold brew, both nitro on tap.  This barista saw my quandary...and offered a sample of both!  Problem solved!  So then I got to try both, see which one I liked, and not risk spending $4 on a coffee I didn't like on a day when I would have been really disappointed by a coffee I didn't like.

My impression is sketchy after two conversations with two baristas, but I believe one was single origin and the other was "hopped."  I asked what "hopped" meant and after more confusion he ended up trying to explain what hops were to me.  Remember this was a unreasonably confusing conversation.  But it was more enjoyable all the time because now I was sampling two types of nitro on tap cold brew.  (It was a hilarious conversation.  I loved it.) Hopped means it is infused with hops, I eventually confirmed.  Which makes total sense and maybe is so obvious it resulted in the further confusion.  The coffee was lukewarm coming off the tap so it was a little harder to judge, but I decided that I liked it, and that I liked the non-hopped a bit more than the hopped.  So I ordered a single origin iced coffee.  Then I returned to the line and finished drinking my samples, since I had them, while he got my order ready.  That was a quick process so he called me back up to pay shortly.


The whole process did not actually take very long, but it was a two minute roller coaster.  I loved it.  I also think it's great that they were a little busy (not really busy, but maybe 4 people in line) and they managed to completely accommodate me more than I was expecting (I don't usually ask for opinions or recommendations or chat if there is anyone in line behind me) while not inconveniencing anyone else or slowing service.  There were four people working behind the bar and they were very seamless about service, switching between getting drinks or taking orders, whatever, so it was efficient.  But then I also had a great time sampling at the same time.  Anyway, I thought they rocked.

And as I indicated, I liked the cold brew enough to order it.  The hopped sample was foamier than the other.  Perhaps it is actually something with the hops that I don't like.  I did think that the nitro cold brew I hadn't liked had a very beer-like essence.  Perhaps it was also "hopped."  However, I don't know for sure.  I will have to do more investigating now.  The cold brew that I got at Steam was on tap...though they didn't say it was nitro and I wouldn't have thought it was different.  But maybe it is the same as what I got here...  This drink didn't strike me as decidedly "different" cold brew either.  There was a very small amount of foam stuff, but none of the "cascading" effect or layers after it settled, like happened at La Belle Rosette.  It didn't taste bubbly or more "full."  I think I will have to inquire further about this, possibly in multiple shops.

Ultimately, I liked the iced coffee quite a bit.  I drank it black.  The flavor was sort of mild and in the middle - I had no reaction of it being strong either way.  I would say it did have a coffee kind of taste.  Okay...sorry I suck with that right now.  I would maybe say a mild "earthy" or "wood" undertone.  In the pleasant way that flavors are like that.  It actually tasted significantly different with the ice in it than the sample I tried, which was interesting.  I almost got a "floral" type thing with the sample.

Anyway, this tasted like normal cold brew to me.  Even though I didn't like the "nitro" aspect when I tried it for sure before, I get why it's a bit more expensive because of the process involved.  This seems a bit expensive without getting that effect.  There may be some other reason though, I will continue to investigate.  It was good, so perhaps the flavor was enhanced.  Steam did say that there's is on tap and it gives it a bit of a different flavor, which makes sense, but that's still not the whole nitro process.  Also, if this was full nitro cold brew and so was the one I had at La Belle Rosette, I want to know why they are so different.  Coffee adventure continues...

Also, they asked if it was for here and gave me the gorgeous cup for it.

I decided I wanted a snack and asked if any of their pastries were vegan.  It's a pretty small selection and I had no expectations.  But there was one!  It was a bialy.  I have no idea what that is.  It was not sweet.  It was savory.  It was a pretzel dough base with caramelized onions, sesame seeds, and I think cardamom!  I have never seen anything quite like this.  So I was TOTALLY up for trying it.

I liked it all right.  It was a good snack.  I don't desperately want it again or anything, but it was worth eating.

It seemed weird to eat it cold to me, so I asked if most people ate it cold or if it should be heated.  They said they didn't really know, but it sounded like a good idea so they heated it on the toaster for me.  I think it was better like that.

Overall, very good coffee adventure.

No wi-fi issues.

Friday, April 22, 2016

10 - Thump Coffee, Denver (Capitol Hill)

Full of friendly and cool people.

Coffee Shop:
Thump Coffee
1201 E 13th ave
Denver, CO 80218

Date Visited:
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
About 12:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.

Bottomless Drip Coffee: $2.78
Toast with Almond Butter and Blackberry Jam: $6.00

#10!  I get a gold star! :)

I was very excited to go to this place because its original location is in Bend, OR, and I am also from Oregon!  I was sort of hoping I would be transported to Oregon.  The thing is, IT SORT OF WORKED.  I got a very home-like vibe from this place.  I really liked how it was the sort of place in which you could do something like ask another person what they were drinking, have a very interesting, friendly two minute chat about it, then both go about your business.  That is the sort of vibe that I miss from Oregon, and whether or not it was a coincidence, I did indeed find it at Thump.  Like, the barista asked me something about my sweatshirt...because she was interested.  I had to ask the person next to my table something, and we ended up exchanging some thoughts on things.

It wasn't weirdly unlike any other coffee shop, I just noticed that this shop did seem to attract a friendly crowd.  (And to clarify for anyone who doesn't fully understand - this does not mean anyone is trying to bother you while you work, etc.  Friendly also means respectful.  But I love being able to talk to someone for a second and then go back to business, and it's natural and not awkward.  I do not experience this everywhere.)

Anyway, part of these conversations happened because the wi-fi was down!  So people were checking with each other what the name was supposed to be...if it was working...etc.  But see...people were still friendly despite this very annoying problem.  This is a pretty big issue, so I am putting this toward the top.  I think a lot of people expect and need internet when they go to a coffee shop, and when a shop says they have wi-fi and DON'T it can be pretty detrimental.  I survived.  A decent number of people were still there.  But it was an inconvenience.  I was there for a long time and it ended up getting fixed before I left, though it was still a bit spotty.  My impression was that they tried to reset it and things, and called about it after I had been there a couple of hours.  No idea whether it was a total fluke, but it was nonexistent for most of the time I was there, so that's all I can say.

I decided to order a regular drip coffee, partly because it was refillable and I could switch between the two drip coffee options they had, so I tried both.  The first was a Colombian, the second was a blend.  I started with the Colombian because the barista said it was now one of her favorite coffees.  I tried both black first before deciding if I wanted cream and sugar.  The Colombian I just ended up drinking all of it black and pretty quickly (for me)!  I liked it quite a bit.  It had a cold-brew type flavor to it, so perhaps they are pretty acidic beans.  The sour/acidic end of the spectrum was pretty strong, especially for a hot coffee.  Although I wasn't sure about it at first, I definitely decided before long that it was strong in a pleasing way.

Drip Coffee #1

I liked the first cup a lot, but still wanted to try both, so when I got a refill I went with the blend.  I didn't like it as much.  Nothing was particularly wrong with it, but I didn't think it was very distinct and it seemed more like standard black coffee.  I went ahead and also tried it with cream and sugar.  They let me put coconut milk in it for creamer.  I liked it a bit better, but still liked the first cup a lot more.  I'm not sure how I feel about coconut milk as creamer, although I have liked coconut milk lattes.

Drip Coffee #2 with cream and sugar

Since I was there a while, I also got hungry.  They have a bit of food there...although it seems unreasonably expensive to me.  It all seemed pretty good...but even if it's worth the price I would rather have something cheaper to snack on at a coffee shop (though I appreciate quality ingredients and would choose that any time).  But my toast with almond butter and jam was $6.  The bread was really thick and the jam was really good, but still.  However, let me was really good.  They said they make both the almond butter and jam in-house, so I was intrigued enough to try and it was a pleasant eating experience.  But I still wouldn't pay $6 for it as a rule.  I thought $3 for drip coffee was a little much (with tax), but I did like that I got to try two kinds.  The $6 (without tax) was a little less forgivable.

Toast - it was quite pretty, too.

Like I said, I liked the atmosphere.  I snagged one of the few small tables to sit at, but most of the seating is at long tables or a counter, which can make things a little less comfortable.  But I guess it is also more "community"-feeling.  There was also a couch and some soft chairs and one other small table that were designated as "social" areas with no laptops/electronics.  I like that aspect - always room for people to chat and relax.  Although I think it would be even cooler if they had some cards and a few boardgames there to facilitate spontaneous games.

They have a small parking lot, but I did not know so I parked a little over a block away on the street. Fortunately, there is unlimited street parking that seemed reasonably easily accessible within a two block radius.  That helps with the convenience.  I don't know how fast the parking lot fills up or if it is adequate.  Perhaps it is better that I was not parked there anyway, because I walked to Voodoo Doughnut afterward!  Which was super fun, especially because they also started in Oregon.  It was a good day.

Monday, April 18, 2016

9 - Black Black Coffee, Denver


Coffee Shop:
Black Black Coffee
3459 Ringsby Ct
Denver, CO 80216

Date Visited:
Friday, April 15, 2016
About 10:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Cashew Milk Latte: $4.00
(I think it was 10 oz)

I love Black Black Coffee!  Their story is is cool - they get the best coffee possible and serve it black.  So you get to experience the best coffee parts of coffee.  I read some reviews and there are a few haters about this, because they don't even have cream or sugar as an option.  But if you really don't like it...then you don't want this coffee shop and that is okay.  It is just not what they do.  What they do is serve awesome coffee.

Going in, I thought this was a cool, quirky/stylistic idea.  And I had high expectations.  They do, in fact, serve lattes and some things that are not straight-up coffee.  So when I went in I asked them, "I have been loving lattes lately, but you are Black Black Coffee - do I want straight coffee?"  They said that their coffee is amazing and if I could even stomach regular coffee black, then I would love this.  However, they added, their espresso is REALLY amazing, so I should get whatever I like and I would like it better.  I also investigated their cold brew.  It was really expensive, more than $5, and the guy also recommended a latte over cold brew.  Since I had also discovered that they had cashew milk, which sounded good, I went for a cashew milk latte with this TO DIE FOR ESPRESSO.  (I love their confidence.)

THIS is what good lattes are made of.

It was an amazing latte.

I mentioned in a previous post that I didn't know how to form an opinion on espresso and that that was something I would dive into at some point.  I didn't even need to order a plain espresso.  I get it.  This was made with really good espresso.  Okay, I don't completely get it because part of a good latte is good proportions, so I still can't speak to plain espresso - but I will confidently claim that I know the difference between good espresso and other espresso in a latte.  This was good espresso.  And that other part about a latte, the proportions?  Yes, this was also that.  This was latte magic.

This latte was fulfilling.  It was wholesome.  It was what a latte is supposed to be.  It was also too small.  How would I improve it?  More.  That is a good sign.  I don't know if this was partly psychological, if I was tired that day, or if I have developed a higher caffeine tolerance, but I didn't really "feel" the coffee.  I am guessing psychological.  I just wanted more!  I am pretty sure that they have a normal shot of espresso, just mixed with less milk, to get the smaller size.  I am guessing it was a 10 oz latte, but I wouldn't be shocked if it was slightly smaller (I was trying to compare with the 10 oz I got at Corvus - I could ask, but that is less exciting).  I am sure this is also part of the great taste - specific portions, different than average.  Stronger on the espresso part to make that taste come out.  (Yum.)

Also - they did not charge extra for cashew milk.  Way to go, guys!

The guy I originally talked to also asked if I wanted to try a cortado.  I have to go back here to get a cortado.  I want to try their cortado.  And it will be my first cortado!
And I have to try their straight-up black coffee.

I have to go back.  They also had a kitchen!  They have a Black Black Coffee Kitchen!  I can get food there too!  They didn't have much in the way of vegan options, but they were totally in to working with me and said they could definitely make a salad.  There were sides of quinoa or tater tots, and lots of other good ingredients to play with.

I liked hanging out here.  I liked the vibe.  I think I was just really into the whole thing, so I was loving the experience.  It is in this gigantic complex of buildings that was sort of confusing, but there were signs that led to it.  There is a free parking lot in the back of their building, but it wasn't obvious to me that I wasn't supposed to park more toward the front (but there are numbered and unnumbered spaces; they said the unnumbered were fine to park in).  So I am just leaving that information here.  Partially because it was in a gigantic building complex, I guess, it sort of had a warehouse feel.  The door was also gigantic and heavy.  The ceiling was really high.  It was near a train yard.  And...the tables moved on tracks on the floor (I noticed because I scooted two apart so I wasn't taking up two little tables).  It was cold the day I was there, but there was also an outdoor seating area.

The music was a bit loud and jarring, but I still got used to it and it wasn't bothering me like I thought it might at the very beginning.  Later though, they stopped the music and were loudly playing what seemed like a coffee shop podcast, or something similar.  Since it went on for a while, I ended up finding that annoying.  Overall I still enjoyed my time there since I was way into everything.

They also close at 2:30pm.  Downside!  Except...they are in downtown Denver, so I would want to leave before then anyway!  So that is the real downside.  So - good for a morning place (obviously that is what they intend).

No wi-fi issues (though I did have to ask what it was because the network is not the same name as the coffee shop).

Friday, April 15, 2016

8 - La Belle Rosette, Denver

Coffee Shop:
La Belle Rosette Espresso and Wine Bar
2423 S University blvd
Denver, CO 80210

Date Visited:
Thursday, April 14, 2016
About 2:45 - 4:45

10 oz nitro cold brew iced coffee: $3.49

Nitro Cold Brew!!!!!

Yes.  The picture is really coffee.  Straight up coffee.  What a world we live in!  The unique opportunities available to experience in the modern age!

I had never tried this before and I hd been looking forward to it for a while: Nitro Cold Brew Iced Coffee.  It is nitrogen infused, so it is very foamy and sort of creamier than regular coffee.  It is kind of beer-like.  I definitely saw the resemblance, both in appearance and even taste.  I think it's probably more the nitrogen-added-texture than an actual "taste", but I still interpreted it as a taste similarity.  I should have taken a short video or a sequence of pictures to commemorate the occasion (but I also just wanted to enjoy mu first Nitro Cold Brew), because it was very pretty as it was settling into place.  The "cascading" of the coffee.  You can see the layers more fully formed in the picture that I posted, but it's also still a little mixed.

This was a very exciting experience.

But...okay, I don't think I like Nitro Cold Brew.  It freaks me out.  It was very exciting and I enjoyed trying it, but I am not inclined to actively seek it out again, especially when I love other cold brew so much.

I didn't really like the foamy aspect (which is the whole point).  I liked to look at it!  But it just made it harder for me to drink.  And maybe the beer-foam similarity was just throwing me off.  I think maybe this would be great for a coffee-based mixed drink (not sure though...I didn't like it, so my judgement might be off).

I had to ask for the cup for here - they were about to use a plastic cup.  But especially for a drink like this I want a fancy cup!

I don't think this coffee shop is the greatest place to hang out, which is unfortunate because they do have some food.  It was busy and kind of cramped.  I have been more comfortable in places that were louder or with as many people, so it was a combination of little thing that made it not as nice for me.  The music was a bit loud.  I moved to a couch later on, which was better, but still not great.  It is really near DU so it's a good coffee shop for students, but I feel like it is a better place to get a drink and hang out with people for a little while, rather than sit and work.  But probably near half of the people looked like they were working, and I was too.  It is not bad, just not my favorite.  And I love that they are open later than a lot of places!  So totally a good evening place to hang out.

I didn't take advantage this visit, but they have happy hour from 4-7.  Half price on a lot of items, both food and drink.

They do have good coffee!  Even though I didn't end up liking the nitro, I was still excited about it and it is really cool that they serve it.  This is also the place where I found the first almond milk latte that was good - and it was very good.  Probably top, except for Steam.  I've been here a few other times.  In addition to being an espresso bar...they are also a wine bar!  And they have pretty good drinks of all kinds (though today was just coffee).

No wi-fi issues.

They have a small parking lot in the back.  There might be issues finding a place if it's busy, but the coffee shop was reasonably full when I was there and there were a couple of parking spaces available when I pulled in ( a lot of people probably walk over).

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Steam - Almond Milk Latte

The best almond milk latte

Coffee Shop:
Steam Espresso Bar
1801 S Pearl St
Denver, CO 80210

Date Visited:
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
About 2:30 - 5:10

almond milk latte: $4.41

It was the best almond milk latte.

It was smooth, creamy, had a good coffee taste in it, none of the bad things I had come to associate with almond milk lattes.  It was delicious.  And it was pretty.

They charged me 0.75 cents for the almond milk! That's ridiculous.  But it doesn't change that it was the best almond milk latte.

It was pretty busy when I got there, so I sat outside for a little while.  It was very nice, but very hot, so I moved inside later.  I enjoyed my time again!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Nixon's Cold Brew

Cold brew with almond milk swirls

Coffee Shop:
Nixon's Coffee House
871 Englewood Pkwy
Englewood, CO 80110

Date Visited:
Monday, April 11, 2016
About 2:45-7:45

Medium iced coffee: $2.35

Second cold brew adventure!  Good on a warm day.  I liked it.  It had a nice strong flavor.  Nothing particularly jumped out at me, and I elected to go ahead and put almond milk and sugar (in the Raw, of course) in it.  They out the almond milk in for me, which made it a bit less easy to personalize...but they were really nice about it and stuff so I can't complain.  Anyway, it was a good amount of almond milk.  I think I missed a bit of the strong flavor after it was added, though (I just got to take a sip, then tell them whether I wanted the almond milk or not, so this is difficult to analyze).  Good thing is I can go back!  One thing I love is that it is genuine cold brew, but not overpriced like some places.  (I say genuine...because when places just have iced coffee where they make hot coffee and then chill it...I think it's so gross.  So there is a clear, important distinction.  And there are other cheater methods.  So this isn't extra fancy, but it's also not faking it.  Good.)  Makes things more casual, but still good.  I did like it better than their hot coffee.  And I totally hung out for five hours because I had to get a bunch of stuff done - so still successful on that front!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

7 - Beet Box, Denver

They have donuts this way!

Beet Box! Perfect!

Coffee Shop/Cafe:
Beet Box Bakery and Cafe
1030 E 22nd ave
Denver, CO 80205

Date Visited:
Sunday, April 10, 2016
About 3:00 - 5:00

Turtle Brownie: $3.50
12 oz almond milk latte: $3.25
ABC sandwich: $7.50

Unfortunately this place is in downtown Denver, and I find it difficult to easily hang out in downtown Denver.  Or I would go here ALL the time.  That is the only significant downside.  If I lived there and could walk to it THERE WOULD BE NO DOWNSIDE.  Oh, well.

It's not really a "coffee shop" but I am counting anything that is a cafe, and this is a cafe.  IT IS A TOTALLY VEGAN DELICIOUS CAFE.  Everything is vegan.  They have lots of good deserts.  And they make almond milk in-house, so obviously I got an almond milk latte.

Almond milk latte and turtle brownie

It was a good latte!  It was not one of the best I have had, but it was one of the better almond milk lattes I have had.  They have this really nice picture of a pecan pie on their web site...but they only make it in the Fall (this is another downside), but after seeing it I really wanted pecans, so I got the turtle brownie.  It was really good, too!  The caramel was fun to try, also.  It wasn't my favorite desert ever, but I also kind of wasn't expecting it to be.  It was a little rich for me - but it got me the pecans I wanted!  I do really like really fudgy brownies, and this was pretty fudgy, but also a little coarse or something.  But look at the picture...isn't it beautiful?  So big picture is "turtle" things aren't my favorite because they are usually a bit much, but in this case it got me pecans and was pretty good!

I meant to get there earlier, especially because they have food and this is the kind of place that I always want in my life like I talked about and I could have sustenance and hang out for a long time!!! But I didn't.  Unfortunately they close at 5:00 on Sundays (some days they are open until 7:00).  BUT I still got food as well, since I was still a little bit hungry, especially after being around the concept of food at the Beet Box.  I got a beet sandwich (ABC sandwich - I believe the B is for beet).


I's the Beet Box!  I liked it quite a bit.  I love the unique combinations and sauces that they have and would love to try everything.  This was a great combination for flavors and the bread was really good!

I did not finish everything, since I ordered a lot for the short time I was there, but I am okay with leftovers to eat tomorrow!

It's a GREAT place to hang out BECAUSE THEY WILL FEED YOU, but it's not as great to hang out as I would like.  There are a few tables and some booths, most in a separate room which does contribute to the comfortable atmosphere.  But the booth seats aren't that comfortable, and there were a lot of crumbs around... I am kind of okay with that to a point because it's a bakery, but they weren't very busy while I was there, so they would have had time to do a basic cleaning of the major stuff (wipe tables, sweep the major stuff up), and they hadn't.  I found the music a little distracting instead of mood-setting, but no specific complaints (maybe it was just a little loud for me or something).  Still, it's a decent place to hang out and they were very friendly.

No wi-fi issues.

They DON'T have parking.  BIGGEST downside.  Contributes to it not being easy to go hang out.  I didn't have any trouble with street parking on a Sunday, but I don't know how it is during the week.  I think that where I parked was not limited to 2 hours (or worse, 1 hour) though, so if that is more available than I thought it makes the lack of a parking lot more forgivable.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Follow-up: Solid Grounds

Coffee Shop:
Solid Grounds Coffee House
6504 S Broadway
Littleton, CO 80121

Date Visited:
Friday, April 8, 2016
About 1:00-5:30

12 oz almond milk latte: $3.75

I wanted a place I knew I could comfortably sit and work for a while - and I wanted to try this place again because it is exactly the kind of place I wanted to find when I started this and it happened the first day!  So I wanted to go back instead of just hoping I would find something as great again.  I also wanted to try their almond milk latte.  I had previously been wondering if almond milk lattes ever turned out well.  They always SOUNDED like they should be delicious, but every one I ordered had a really bad burnt/bitter taste.  I eventually found one that I liked (quite a bit), but I still think it is odd that so many places use almond milk when I think they turn out so badly.  I was beginning to wonder if that was what they were supposed to taste like and I was just way off the memo.  So I tried almond milk at Solid Grounds, where I had previously had a very, very delicious rice milk latte, so I knew I thought at least one version of their lattes were delicious.

Almond milk latte

I didn't like it as much as the rice milk latte, but I still thought it was pretty good.  So perhaps this partially solves the mystery that I just don't like almond milk lattes as the prime example of a latte, but that they are not supposed to taste innately gross, and are very good when prepared well.

Anyway, I did like this latte a lot.  I remembered to ask for an in-house cup this time (almost forgot, they didn't ask), so I got a nice mug.  But I did have to specifically say I wanted it.  Also, last time I couldn't judge the latte's obviously not part of their specialty...but it's okay because it was a very good latte.  I hung out for a while and drank it slowly, so it was nice that it stayed warm longer in the mug.  I saw on their menu this time that they charge .60 cents for soy, coconut, or almond milk.  So maybe they charge for those, but not for rice milk.  The specific charge was not on my receipt, but the amount was higher than the menu price for a latte (but the receipt just said "latte" did they know?) I was mildly confused, but this seems to be what happened.
EDIT: pretty positive it is .60 cent charge for all of them

If I was closer I would definitely come here a lot!  I am glad that I found it as part of my coffee adventure.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Day 6 - Steam, Denver

A very "coffee" coffee shop and a fun place to be.

Coffee Shop:
Steam Espresso Bar
1801 S Pearl St
Denver, CO 80210

Date Visited:
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
About 1:15 - 5:15

Cold Brew Coffee: $3.50

I kind of wanted a latte again, and they looked delicious here, but this place emphasizes the "coffee" part of coffee, so I thought it would be a good place to experiment (I don't even know how to have thoughts on espresso, at some point during this adventure I will get some opinions about that) or finally get a cold brew.  After a brief chat with the barista (a couple sentences, and inquiring what type of cold brew they had, etc.) I decided to go with the cold brew.  Speaking of the type of cold brew - it is a blend, and I was raised (as far as my cold brew journey is concerned) on single-origin, and sort of associate blends with places that incidentally do cold brew, but not seriously (you know, when being elitist about it).  Since this place is serious, I thought it would be cool to get this perspective.

I liked it.  I can tell that it's not haphazardly thrown together, but selected for cold brew (okay, I can't tell, but I believe it based on the good, distinct taste).  It had quite a strong and lingering sour aftertaste.  I think I would have preferred it a little bit less sour, but it was distinctively cold brew, in the sense that it wasn't bitter at all.  It grew on me as I drank it, too, after I was expecting the sourness.  I think I kept expecting a bit of bitterness to show up, and it didn't.  It just remained deliciously cold brew.  It was my first cold brew in quite a while and I highly enjoyed the experience. Especially over-analyzing my reactions.

I drank the first half my cold brew black (and they said it would be good like that), and added creamer and sugar for the second half.  I liked it black a little better...maybe.  It was also more watered down from the ice melting by the time I added the extras, so that could have affected the flavor.  I do this weird thing with cold brew...if I am adding stuff I like adding creamer and Sugar in the Raw.  The reason this is weird is because it's cold brew, iced coffee, so the sugar doesn't dissolve.  Most people would add simple syrup (sugar water) instead.  But I think I love the strong, mostly-unsweetened coffee taste (a little bit still dissolves) mixed with the burst of sweetness of a few sugar crystals.  You have to drink it with a straw so you you get sugar crystals from the bottom.  I said I liked it black better, maybe...but it was so fun with the sugar experience for the second half.  Plus, the sourness that was a little strong for me was tempered.  So...I feel like I am being less of a cold brew elitist, and I lost the over-analyzing, but maybe I actually liked it better the second half (either way it was good!).  They didn't have any sitting out, but were happy to let me use their almond milk as creamer (no charge...that would be ridiculous).  They also had soy milk.

                                       First half black.                                                                              Second half almond milk and sugar!

They asked me for here or to go when I ordered, so I was served my cold brew in a mason jar.

There were a couple spaces to sit inside at a bar when I got there, the tables were all full, but they also had a nice outdoor seating area, so I sat outside.  It's on a quiet street and the outdoor area is set up so it feels like part of the shop.  You can actually access the barista area through a couple of windows and order or pick up a drink without going inside.

It was a little windy with lots of temperature fluctuations (the sun going in and out of clouds), and being outside is always at the mercy of the elements.  I often find it harder to concentrate and actually get things done, but I liked sitting outside here while I did.  It was still a comfortable, "coffee-shop" area, and not a couple tables tacked on outside like some places have.  Fortunately, though they were still busy, when it got too windy for me to stay outside there were a couple tables open inside, so I moved.  If I hadn't picked that time, though, there might not have been a spot.  They may just be very good at prime-balancing the space and number of customers.

This was a very social place, both inside and outside.  I think the ratio of people hanging out, talking, in pairs or small groups to people working in laptops was higher than other places I have been to recently.  Ironically (me working on a laptop and all), I like that atmosphere better.  It was kind of loud sometimes with lots of talking, but in a happy, lively way.  This impression might be because a lot of the people on laptops were congregated at one large table, or at the counters by the serving area, but either way it speaks to the atmosphere.

They also have cool chandeliers and other lights!

They actually close at 5:00 (so many coffee shops close so early around here!), but there were a large number of people still hanging out and they just cleaned and moved tables around us and didn't mind that we were staying.  It wasn't obvious that they had closed (someone else asked about it).  I assume they kick people out at some point, but they were still welcoming when I left at about 5:15, and there were a few group of people still there.

They do not have parking, but there is free street parking.  Some of it is a 2-hr limit, but around the corner it was open.  It wasn't difficult to park.  I hadn't parked in the affected area, but I saw that they were awesome enough to put up a sign outside emphasizing not to park in one area because it was a street-sweeping day.

The wifi was very slow, but reliable.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Day 5 - Drip Denver, Denver

Tasty drinks, friendly, good place to hang out - very nice all-round.

Coffee Shop:
Drip Denver
933 Lincoln St
Denver, CO 80203

Date Visited:
Sunday, April 3, 2016
About 2:00-5:00

12 oz almond milk chai latte: $3.60

I was there to talk with some people for a bit, and I also worked some.  It was a very nice atmosphere for both.  I heard them say that they make their own chai, and I wasn't really feeling like a full dose of caffeine, so I went with that.  They had almond and soy milk - and did not charge me for the almond milk.  I quite liked it.  It was spicier than I expected, but not too spicy, and had a warm and cozy feeling.  I would have liked it a little creamier, but it was just stronger on the "spicy chai" side.

Almond milk chai latte

So I am not going to praise the latte art...but they had this on the wall.  And this is one of the reasons I loved this place.

Pictures of latte art - with markers and sticky notes so that customers can interpret and label the art.

So...that was one of my favorite things I have seen in a coffee shop.  There was totally a ringed planet and a spider web, but I did not label any myself.  I ended up not examining it in detail after getting a quick picture.
Also - another perk - this is in the hallway by the bathroom, so if you have to wait you can be entertained.  This place has the little things covered.

They gave me a reusable cup since I said I was staying there, but other people had paper cups, so I don't think it was always automatic.

I got into a little conversation as I ordered, we talked about my chai, they made some suggestions, customer service was nice and everyone was friendly.  Not in the formal, giving suggestions to the customer, good business, kind of way, but in the way of we just had a nice, quick conversation about chai because everyone was into the subject matter.  It was pleasant.  I don't know if that clarifies.  My point is that everything contributed to the friendly atmosphere, which made it a nice, comfy place to have a tasty drink and hang out.  I hung out on the comfy couches instead of at the tables, but everything seemed nice.  I would have stayed a bit longer, but they close at 5:00 on weekends.

They also have beer, wine, and spiked coffee drinks, which I think would be fun to try there.

I didn't use the wi-fi very much, but didn't have any issues.

There is a free parking garage!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Day 4: Spur Coffee, Littleton

A very pleasant place to be - but work-oriented.

Coffee Shop:
Spur Coffee
5624 S Prince St
Littleton, CO 80120

Date Visited:
Friday, April 1, 2016
About 12:30-4:30

12 oz coconut milk latte: $4.75

The web site said, "Whether you're ordering a hand-crafed latte or...", which made a latte sound good again, so I went with that instead of their cold brew (also a temperature-effected decision).  It was 50 cents extra for coconut milk (or almond or soy).  It was okay...not that great, especially compared to others lately.  I probably would have liked the cold brew more.  It was watery, not creamy, and had some of the bitter aftertaste.  The foam was bubbly, not creamy.  And there was no latte art!  I mean, it's okay...but presentation matters!

They gave me an in-house cup by default.

There was fancy self-serve water, in the flip-top bottles that fancier restaurants give you.  They had the tiniest cookies and things...for multiple dollars.  I didn't even consider.  But I did see someone eating something.

The interior is pleasant, with chill music.  There was light coming in through big windows in one corner, and it was cozier on the other side.  The coffee shop has a "modern"/clean look (I'm not entirely sure what "modern" means, but I'm pretty sure this is - in an IKEA sort of way...Macbooks and smartphones everywhere).
--This is funny, because after I wrote this I saw that my water glass was from IKEA, and I think other things were as well.

There are desks with office chairs, too, which I haven't seen before.  Some had full-size computers.  I think all the desks had reserved signs on them.  I started out at a little table, but it was sort of in the middle and I felt exposed (I get like that).  Someone left and I moved to some curvy, short, wood chairs in the corner.  I wasn't entirely sure that I wouldn't regret my decision, but my chair was reasonably comfortable and I got to lounge a little, which was comfy.  And I liked that I had more of an outside perspective on the super modern, sleek, office feel that was going on.  Then I could enjoy it more.  I like their style, and it's cool because it seems very functional to what coffee shops are these days, like places to work digitally and have fancy work meetings...but I guess if this is the progressive coffee shop, then I like throwback coffee shops more.  As a general rule I want to escape and not succumb to this stuff...or at least pretend that I haven't as I sit by a bookshelf in a comfy chair...with my Macbook.  This has become very introspective.

I knew making these posts would end up being interesting...

I had to move back to a table and regular chair since I stayed a while.  The chairs we not conducive to  great lengths of time.  I totally sat in three locations in an hour.  I was that person.  ...I am that person.

The wi-fi was kind of slow, but I only noticed it a few times.

They have a parking lot with plenty of spaces.