Tuesday, May 28, 2019

49 - Amethyst Coffee Company, Denver (Broadway Location)

Coffee Shop:
Amethyst Coffee Company
1111 N. Broadway, Suite 101
Denver, CO 80203
*They have a really good address

Date Visited:
Saturday, May 25, 2019
About 3:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.

Cashew Milk Chai: $5.25
*$0.75 for cashew milk. Super annoying.
This time I was actually like, "The fact that you charge that much for a cappuccino and a large latte...can you explain why that is acceptable?"
The barista said, "Sure." But the answer was basically, "No."
But the explanation was that it's how they even out the cost. You know, because it costs more to provide larger amounts of milk for larger beverages. But they charge less proportionally on those, so they have to charge more proportionally for smaller beverages.
The answer was that they intentionally overcharge me for smaller beverages.
That's the answer. I don't even need to add anything.

For the record, I am always nice and I just said, "That's super annoying, but it's out of my system now..." It's totally not out of my system, but it was as far as the barista's role in this injustice goes.

So they make their own cashew milk though. That's awesome. I was stoked. I would totally pay $0.75 for that and not be mad if they charged $1.25 for large drinks. I appreciate consistency.

I was debating getting a latte or chai. Mostly because the barista mentioned she liked the cashew milk in chai (but that's because she doesn't like espresso with nut milks, so it wasn't swaying me a lot). But chai sounded good, largely because I already had a latte. Then I saw they house-make their chai also. So obviously I got a cashew milk chai.


It was gorgeous.

The soft, creamy look of the cashew milk foam totally got me instantly. And look at that sprinkled cinnamon. That is art.

Upon my first drink I noticed it was really spicy. It was very spicy, but awesome spicy. I have had chai that's too spicy, and this was spicier, but amazing. It has a kick, but in a distinctive way that totally works. But it's spicy.

The barista did also reference that the cashew milk was more watery, so it didn't work for latte art as well and stuff. I thought this might be a bad sign, because cashew milk can be super creamy and awesome (and like...they make it; they could make it less watery). The second thing I noticed about the chai was that it was pretty watery, but it was still quite good. Maybe they think the cashew milk is too strong if they make it less watery.  It may not be the perfect recipe, but it's a good. I do think it would not have been very good with espresso, so I am glad I got the chai. But also because the chai was quite good.

Even though it was watery, I still did note and appreciate the light, fluffy foam. There was a lot to like.

I wouldn't be running back to have another, but it was really good - pleasant and distinctive, and I am glad to have tried it. It also grew on me as drank it. The cashew milk did go really well with the chai and it sticks out as a non-espresso, savory beverage.

They ground some coffee while I was there and it smelled amazing. That is a good sign of a good coffee shop.

They also have an amazing plant.

There is a free parking lot outside the coffee shop. It was pretty full, but there were a couple open spots, one of which I parked in.

No wi-fi issues.

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