Sunday, December 30, 2018

45 - Huckleberry Roasters (Denver, Sunnyside location)

Coffee Shop:
Huckleberry Roasters
4301 Pecos st
Denver, Colorado, 80211

Date Visited:
Saturday, December 22, 2018
About 12:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Autumn Leaves Latte (small - 10oz): $5.00
*oat milk - no additional charge
Millenial Brekkie Premium Toast: $7.50

The Autumn Leaves Latte included maple syrup and cardamom (omg).
The toast was almond butter, apple, cinnamon, and toasted coconut.

Notice the validation of oat milk. It's not some weird, modified latte you have to charge extra for. It's a latte.  They 100% know what they're doing.  They are all about good coffee, no room for unreasonableness.

This latte was soooo good.

It was incredible. It is in the running for the best latte I've ever had. (And since I have no legitimate ranking policy, that is as high as it could go.)  It is the reason for these adventures.  It is the special gem in a bowl of beautiful rocks. And it is called Autumn Leaves. Omg.

Autumn Leaves Latte - does the name itself not sound too beautiful to be true? Would this latte, by any other name, taste as wonderful? At least, the name is yet another amazing component.

I mean, you can see how beautiful it is. It is a visual work of art that delivers even more than promised when it hits your other senses. I'm now realizing I didn't savor the smell anywhere near as much as I should have.

I had pretty high expectations since this place is a roasters also, and they were totally met and exceeded.  The espresso was amazing. The way it blended with oat milk was heavenly. The additional flavor was in spot-on proportion. This was an artful beverage.  This is one of those espresso drinks that is a destination, totally worth going for on its own merit.

I got the 10oz version of this drink because that is what the mug size is ("for here").  I am partial to higher espresso ratios when the espresso is good, so I liked that aspect.  I think at least one of the paper cup options was 12oz, but I'm sure this is better (a mug is always better than a paper cup, an opinion I hold strongly). I'm sure they know what they're doing with their mug sizes. Sooo classic, too.

Millenial Brekkie Premium Toast
(The camera I've been using on my phone really's detracting from the visual quality for sure...I'm gonna stop using this...second photo apology to the integrity of this blog.)

The toast was really good. Definitely what I would call "premium." It was fun to try - really good, and "different" without being weird.  The flavor combos were nothing surprising, but it's not the kind of thing you see everywhere either.  "Premium" ingredients down the bread, and nicely crafted, like the latte.  It also paired really well with the latte.

I will also emphasize one more time that the latte was exceptionally wonderful.

You know another little detail I really appreciate? They actually serve this on a real plate. I've noticed a trend where coffee shops serve you things like this on a little plate, which hold the toast (or whatever), but there is no room to maneuver. I always spill something, at least crumbs. This is an actual plate I could eat from. Nicely done, Huckleberry.

The atmosphere was nice and I enjoyed myself.  It wasn't really anything special on this end, but it was a good place to enjoy amazing espresso.  I wouldn't be pulled to come back for the vibe, personally, but there was nothing negative (it was clean, etc.).

Parking was easy. I parked on the street, but then saw they have a lot also.

No wifi issues.

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