Thursday, July 14, 2016

36 - Boxcar Coffee Roasters, Boulder

Coffee Shop:
Boxcar Coffee Roasters - Boulder location
1825 Pearl st
Boulder, CO 80302

Date Visited:
Monday, July 11, 2016
About 3:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Small (12 oz) Cold Brew Coffee: $2.75

Boxcar Coffee Roasters has a location in Denver (in The Source), but it started in Boulder so I went to the original (the source...ha.).

It had kind of a different vibe.  The shop was very retail-oriented, so there was a lot going on that wasn't just "coffee shop."  It seemed like they had lots of awesome stuff for sale, though I only got the coffee.  There were things to take home, and also a lot of food and bread/wine/cheese stuff.  There also seemed to be an emphasis on sandwiches and chocolate.  A lot of stuff to get for in-store or to take out/home.  And there was all sorts of coffee related merchandise (french presses, etc.).

Still, they successfully sectioned off some nice areas to sit.  I was in a section near the coffee bar (which was separate from the wine bar, sandwich bar, and main store register) and there was also another room, which was very quaint.  It had a fake tree.  And a crafted, pretty cool psuedo-secluded vibe going on.  I was shielded on one side by plants in a box, which was a nice touch.  And it did help, because the store was pretty busy and bustling, and kind of loud.  It wasn't relaxing, but it was a good atmosphere in a fun sort of way.  The walls were brick and there was cool art.  There was sort of a token outside seating area, but it didn't look that great and no one was sitting there.  It was just one or two tables and some chairs set on the sidewalk.

I smelled awesome a few time when they ground coffee beans.  (It wasn't as pervasive as it is in some shops, but the smell of coffee beans is always great.)

The cold brew I ordered was their house blend (number seven, I am almost sure the barista said).  I thought that it was really good black.  Then I thought it would be even better with creamer and sugar.  It wasn't.  It was still really good, but it didn't taste as especially distinct.  Which makes total sense, as the coffee-ness was watered down with creamer and sugar.  So, black it tasted like better than average coffee to me, but then instead of further enhancing it, the addition of cream/sugar made it taste more like other typical-but-good cold brew I have had.  Also, the ice melted really fast, which made the coffee weaker really quickly, so I'm sure that was a factor in the flavor becoming less distinctive.

The barista gave me a little cup of almond milk for me to use as creamer.  It was adorable.  It also gave me the opportunity to try the almond milk plain and it was awesome!  I think they had the Pacific barista series carton.  This stuff should be the norm because it rocks.

And. Also.  I have to point out that they willingly poured me a couple ounces of almond milk, as pretty much any place would do.  Yet so many places would charge .75 cents or something unreasonable for that same amount, were I to order it in a cortado or something...  It's just not consistent.  Not a specific knock against Boxcar (and I didn't see what/if they charge)...just taking the opportunity to mention it...

They asked me if it was for here or to go and gave me a glass by default.

The cold brew was really good and based on my impression, plus the far more reliable business of the store, it seems like a good place to get some awesome and quality stuff.  But even considering that they did a really good job with the seating areas, it wouldn't be my first choice as a place to hang out.

No wi-fi issues.

I did not have to worry about parking because I was dropped off and wandering around downtown Boulder.  Whoo!  But there was free 3 hr parking on the side streets, limited to three hours per day per zone (so moving the car down the block wouldn't be an option to stay longer).  But there were also meters out front.

A discerning reader will notice that this was my second coffee shop of the day.  I was at The Laughing Goat that morning, but I had a little bit of time at the end of the day so I checked out Boxcar also.

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