Monday, March 28, 2016

Day 1 - Solid Grounds, Littleton

Great atmosphere!  A FIREPLACE!

A really good latte, a fireplace, comfy chairs, and a vegan burrito.  I may have peaked on day 1.

Coffee Shop:
Solid Grounds Coffee House
6504 S Broadway
Littleton, CO 80121

Date Visited:
Monday, March 28, 2016
About 1:30pm-6pm

16 oz rice milk latte: $4.20
Vegan burrito: $5.00

This is the first place I have been able to get a rice milk latte, which I always thought (since it occurred to me, anyway) would be pretty good.  I liked it a lot!  It was nice and creamy, even though rice milk isn't the creamiest of milks.  And it didn't have the burnt/bitter taste like so many lattes I have had lately.  I was very pleased.  I don't believe I was charged extra for the rice milk (which is as it should be and reasonable because rice milk is not expensive...) [EDIT: Actually I do, it was .60 cents.]

ALSO - they had a vegan burrito.  I am always looking for a coffee shop that also has good food to eat because I usually like to hang out a while and get hungry.  Nothing has filled this niche since the ONE place I have found closed, which was a place I went to in college that served really good full-meal food.  I would rather eat while I work...there needs to be more places like this.  Pastries are good, but it's just not the same.  So I really liked the burrito alternative here.  They don't have a full-service kitchen or anything, but they did grill it and it and it was good.  It was vegan, with Daiya cheese, and also gluten free.  They had this option...but it was the only vegan option and I believe I got the only one.  I think they had more vegetarian options.  And they did have a pastry selection (but none vegan).  $5 is a bit much for the burrito and I wouldn't make a habit of this, but it was still cool that they had it.

They did not automatically give me a reusable cup since I was staying, but I think they had them for if I would have specified.  Consequently...I cannot judge their latte art.

My food and beverage.  Latte was half gone by this point.
Also, self-serve water.  Just...saying.

I loved hanging out here!  They had a FIREPLACE.  The chairs were really comfy and it's all very cozy and inviting.  I sat by the fireplace (obviously) and worked on my laptop, but there weren't tables there (just side tables), so it would be harder with books and things.  But it's okay! Everywhere else looked nice to sit, too!  It is cozy and spacious at the same time, so there was plenty of seating.  There are two rooms!  I also think this is cool.  One of them is more social, the other is more studious.  I sat in the "social" room, which was fine to work in, and it was where people hung out and chatted with their delicious coffee.  There was music playing; I liked it...don't remember specifics.  I kind of like that about coffee shop music.  In the "study" room (which I briefly looked at because I just think this is cool...this place has coffee shop atmosphere DOWN) it still looked very comfortable, but it stayed quiet, no music, and it looked like a nice place to work.

They also have outdoor seating on a balcony.

I liked their windows a lot, too.  There was a lot of natural light, but no glare the whole time I was there.  It was just so comfy!

They have a parking lot, which is basically a requirement for me if I can't walk to a coffee shop.  I don't want to have to worry about parking or double the price of my coffee with a meter (or worse).  But no problems here.

I also had no wi-fi issues.

**EDIT: This is in my follow-up...but I am not sure whether I was charged extra for the rice milk or not.  It wasn't on my receipt, but it wasn't during the follow-up either, but I checked and the price was higher.  However, I got a different size, so I can't compare.  And I did notice their menu lists an extra charge for soy, coconut, or almond milk, but not for rice milk...but the price does seem higher during this visit also, even though I don't remember the menu list price.  Just trying to be thorough.

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