Friday, December 2, 2016

40 - Sojourners Coffee & Tea, Denver

A MAPLE SYRUP LATTE.  I wish I could convey delicious smell and a warm, cozy, deliciously blended flavor.  Then this picture would speak for itself.  Instead, the picture conveys a latte and these words will speak for it.

Coffee Shop:
Sojourners Coffee & Tea
1501 S Holly st
Denver, CO 80222

Date Visited:
Monday, November 7, 2016
About 12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

12 oz Almond Milk Maple Latte: $3.93*
0.69 cent charge for almond milk

*This is actually the price for a regular latte.  I saw the the sign that described a "maple latte" after I had ordered and immediately asked if I could upgrade (actually, asked if it was made with real maple syrup and when I got a yes, IMMEDIATELY asked if I could upgrade because it was an ACTUAL MAPLE SYRUP LATTE).  The barista making my drink said he would put the maple syrup in.

A maple syrup latte is the best idea.  I don't know why I have never seen it before.  (I concede that one possibility is because I have been unobservant.)  Anyway, I had never had one and this was my first experience.

This latte was among the best lattes I have ever had.  As in, it is in the running for the best latte I have ever had.  I believe that much of this was due to the fact that it was a maple syrup latte.  So I can't really compare their latte with lattes from other places.  It's just in a class of it's own.  But I can give them credit for making a maple syrup latte that was delicious!  It was very good with almond milk, good flavor pairing, and just all-round delicious.  The foam was nice.  It was a very comfy-feeling drink.  Maple syrup is a pretty cool flavor in general, but used like this, there was a journey of flavors in the latte and it was fun, even though it was still mellow.  It was sweet, but not too sweet and not overpowering.  Still more like a latte than on the super sweet mocha side of things.  It was warm and cozy and delicious.

I would love to have this be a holiday drink staple.  But not just for the holidays.

The latte art wasn't I do have to say that there is room for improvement in the whole experience because a beautifully crafted piece of latte art would have completed the scene very fittingly.

The shop was a pretty nice place to work as well.  There was quite a bit of seating and it had a cozy/productive blend of an atmosphere going on.  It seemed like the kind of place people like to come hang out and work at.  It was comfortable to do, but would also be nice to sit and chat or whatever too.  It was mostly smaller tables with a couple comfy chairs.

When I arrived I checked out the menu and was thinking I would get a standard drink.  I sort of wanted a cappuccino, but I asked about the charge for almond milk substitution and it was still .75 cents (including tax, I guess - the receipt said 0.69) and it just irritates me SO MUCH to pay such a large percentage of the drink to have a few ounces of a different milk. It's not even like it's ADDED, it's just a different thing INSTEAD.  So I'm always like "Fine, I'll just get a latte."  At least then I'm actually getting a decent amount of almond milk for the SAME PRICE.  Even though it would STILL be the same price for a large latte, which is like TWICE AS MUCH milk.  Okay, anyway.  I decided on a latte.

Their holiday drink list was on a board that was near the counter where I ordered, so I did not see it until I walked back away.  I usually don't pay a lot of attention to holiday drinks because I'm not into fake syrups, and that's usually what they are - a bunch of flavorings and whipped cream or something, so I just don't generally get them.  But then came the glorious moment when I saw a latte and the word "maple".  I wish I remembered if it had a better name than "maple latte", but I was too distracted by the enticing existence of a maple syrup latte.  So I asked about it and upgraded and it was delicious.

Overall, and awesome drink and a nice atmosphere.

Wifi was decent.

There is a parking lot shared with neighboring businesses.  I got the only spot that was available, after someone pulled out.  So the lot does not seem sufficient.  However, I did not investigate nearby street parking since I got a spot.

ALSO. Also.  I can now add another important piece of information about these adventures.

This location is a pokestop.  (And an Ingress portal.)
(To be clear, Sojourners isn't just in the vicinity of one, it IS one.)

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