Sunday, April 28, 2019

46 - Coffee Theorem (Parker)

This place is amazing.

Coffee Shop:
Coffee Theorem
Located in the Montane Clubhouse at:
18301 E. Cottonwood Dr.
Parker, CO 80134

Date Visited:
Monday, April 15, 2019
About 9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.

Latte Lite (8 oz latte): $3.75
*almond milk - no additional charge (they have no flaws)

This was the most detailed receipt I've ever gotten, so I'm going to embellish. Copied receipt:

Latte Lite (Latte Lite - 8 oz.) $3.75
  + Almond Mlik
Purchase Subtotal $3.75
RTD (1%) $0.04
Douglas County (1%) $0.04
Square Transaction Fee (2.75%) $0.10
State of Colorado (2.9%) $0.11
Town of Parker (3%) $0.11
Tip $1.00
Total $5.15

It's also hilarious that milk is spelled wrong in the system.  Not shaming them, just sharing the fun.

So. This coffee shop.

This is a destination coffee shop. It is definitely worth going far out of your way for the sole purpose of visiting this place. Behold:

The most beautiful latte of my life. Inside and out.

And it wasn't just that the latte was amazing in every way possible. Everything was quintessential.

Also getting there was an adventure and I wasn't really sure what to think until we were there and then it was beautiful.  It was like finding a secret gateway to the land of magical coffee.

But it's not a secret. It's a coffee shop. That you can just GO TO.

So. Once upon a time I was with a friend in the area and we had a little bit of time and I was like, "Um, coffee shop," and I found this place on google maps, and the adventure began.

In the course of following the directions, we turned into this large apartment complex/community and we're like, "Where are we? What is this? Is there really a coffee shop here?  Is it really something that's open to the public?"  (The answer is yes to the last two questions, and "magical coffee land" to the first two.)  Fortunately we were not deterred, and found public parking (near the coffee location), and saw the only outward indication of the coffee oasis inside:

Soooo subtle and unassuming. Ridiculously so.

But then we walked in and sailed to coffee island. This is a pun because the "coffee shop" is more of an island within the space inside, which also has offices related to the apartment community and things.  But it's still a nice place to sit.

Their web site states, "We know we're difficult to find, but don't give up!" See, they are there for you. They claim it is worth it, and I vouch for the accuracy of that claim!

So this is not a typical coffee shop, but it's a phenomenal coffee place.  I gathered from the web site later that it is located within the "Montane Community" and it looks like they have special things for residents, which is pretty cool.  Having a stellar coffee shop at your home is also pretty cool.

The attention to detail pays off so much. Look at the menu booklet.
For one, it's a booklet. And it's adorable for a booklet.

Speaking of their web site, their web site is everything you could want in a web site about a coffee shop. Go look at it. And then envision the place represented by such a web site, and it's what you get in reality too.

Those pictures of the gorgeous latte art? That's how it actually is in real life.

Speaking of latte art, the barista actually apologized for messing mine up because I watched her make cortados beforehand and it was fine art, but I commented about how great it was and added too much pressure while she was preparing my latte.

Again, this is what she apologized for.

I love this place.

The latte was not only aesthetically beautiful, it was everything you could want in a latte.  Look at that mug and everything, though. And it was hearty and cozy, the espresso fed my soul, the foam was smooth and silky, and the blend of flavors was quintessential. Everything was quintessential.  The espresso taste popped quintessentially, and I'm really happy I went with the 8oz (instead of larger) so I could savor.  But I could tell.  Just look at this place.  They're super good with almond milk and it was everything that an almond milk latte is supposed to be.

I want to get wood block coasters. Those are amazing.

And they are called Coffee Theorem.  They are the quintessential example of cozy-tech-coffee.

Look at my friend's London Fog with lavender sprinkled on top.

I just want to post more pictures at this point. I didn't even take this one.

They are the proof of good coffee. But not just as a drink. As an idea.

Again, finding the place and parking was not as expected when approaching a traditional coffee shop, but it was not difficult.

For once I didn't even try for wi-fi and I have no idea what the situation was.  But there are offices there too, and I assume it's pretty stellar, along with everything else.  Unless it's just around for community residents or something.